This is my biggest concern. Like whatever on economy. Do I want more for everyone? Absolutely. But those can come back in 5-10 years.
The environment doesn’t have that long. We had the hottest summer and about to have the coldest winter and they are all like “let’s go orange man!” And not giving a fuck what they leave for the next generation. So fuckin selfish. I hate them so much. 3 months ago
It will only incentivize Elon (and all the other filthy rich) to build air conditioned luxury bunkers guarded by AI killerbots in places like New Zealand.
Or maybe something like the titular space station in the movie Elysium, where they enjoy the newest medical treatments while looking down on the rest of humanity trying to survive on a planet that has turned into a helhole. 3 months ago
Yes! New Zealand, we have a bunch of gar-- investors we think you’ll loke.