Nooo they’re so cool. I could watch them all day.
Comment on WILD 1 month ago
Jellyfish are creepy and gross, they’re like living sea mushrooms. 1 month ago 1 month ago
Fair enough, they just creep me out for some reason lol. 1 month ago
Mushrooms are creepy and gross too, when you get to know them. 1 month ago
fungi are conceptually lovecraftian horrors but in practice they’re basically just strange plants, and i find that neat. 1 month ago
Actually they’re closer to strange animals, which just reinforces just how neat they are! 1 month ago
i know. The dichotomy is between the knowledge that they’re closer to animals than anything else, yet they don’t behave anything like animals and they permeate basically every part of the earth. 1 month ago
I hate mushrooms with a passion tbh, not just the way they taste, but even seeing them growing in the wild grosses me out. Disgusting things, I’d eat bugs before resorting to eating mushrooms. 1 month ago
Hard disagree on all points. 1 month ago
They are creepy and I don’t like the taste too, but just know that they are an important part of nature for reasons someone else can explain better