My only issue is how loud and obnoxious the prompts/alerts are at some stores who have their volume cranked to max.
Comment on Ok boomer 4 months ago
I don’t understand the hate for self checkout it’s faster and easier 4 months ago 4 months ago
European here. Our self-checkouts make no sounds and don’t have any of that unexpected item bs. The experience is great. If your experience is like what I’ve read here, I begin to understand why it’s disliked. 4 months ago
Also European here. They do. Certainly in the shops I’ve been in. Probably a country thing. 4 months ago
My local king soopers always allowed a super low volume setting if you clicked it, now there’s only two, yelling and screaming. People were probably setting that and the beep couldn’t be heard on the camera or something 4 months ago
Nah like actually they trying to deafen us 4 months ago
Not always though. But regardless if you agree there, they are slowly replacing humans with machines and that has negative implications for the economy 4 months ago
It’s not faster, but it can be easier if you really don’t want to talk to people. Don’t kid yourself: someone who spends hours per day scanning barcodes knows where they are on each product and can do them faster than you. 4 months ago
It literally is faster for me as I worked at Walmart for awhile but some the people they got in there now are slow af 4 months ago
But you’re one of the people I’m talking about. I expect you to go through like the Flash lol. 4 months ago
I am faster on self-checkout than the people working the register 100%, except Aldi. If Aldi scanners had to bag, it would be a tie. 4 months ago
It’s faster for me, slower for the other 799 people in line before me who have never stepped foot in a grocery store before today.
Obvious hyperbole but some days it doesn’t feel like much of an exaggeration. 4 months ago
There’s always the one guy who can’t figure out to scan his fruit 4 months ago
It depends on the store. There are places where the self checkout lanes are dysfunctional and end up requiring waiting for a checkout worker (who are usually understaffed) to come and scan a code to fix it.