Price controls are the only viable solution if monopolies aren’t broken up and if collusion is rampant effectively removing competition. While I know of no direct evidence of collusion between grocers, the effects seem quite clear to me when nearly every grocer seems to be taking in record profits while many groceries are still 2-5 times higher than just five years ago.
Also, if this issue is the litmus test for some people on whether they would vote for Trump over Harris, those people should have their head examined. While Harris lacks some specifics here, Trump has nothing — plus he’s a lying, misogynistic, sociopathic convicted felon — so yes, I agree, Harris is the obvious choice. 4 months ago
This will be one of the biggest tests for me with regards to Harris. If she keeps Khan after the election I think she’s at least somewhat serious about cracking down on corporations. 4 months ago
Agreed. I’m hoping she is staying mum to avoid fucking up fund raising for now, but we will see.
Khan is such a fucking badass.