- Comment on Steam Deck / Gaming News #7 1 day ago:
Ok, I’m loving the idea of making cases for my GoG backups. I didn’t see a reference to the community. Can you provide a link?
Edit: I found this page, which has a dead link to the “up-to-date” list.
- Comment on ARK DLC Trailer Slammed For Being Made Entirely Through Gen AI 1 week ago:
Gen AI sounds like what’s coming after Gen alpha.
- Comment on What is the best way to dispose of HID headlight bulbs? 1 week ago:
If you live in the US, you could also try Batteries Plus.
- Comment on Trump tariffs threaten the future of physical video games, analyst warns 3 weeks ago:
I realized a while ago that it’s not actually the physical media I care about. It’s the unfettered access. Physical media is just the easiest way to achieve that. I still buy from steam and pay for streaming, but I recognize that those could be taken away at any time. I want to feel like I actually own something. I buy digital music because I get a DRM-free file. I buy from GOG because I get an installer that I can store locally for as long as I want to.
When it comes to movies? I have to buy the disc because (almost?) no one offers a DRM-free video file that I can store locally and play whenever or however I want.
- Comment on Eerily realistic AI voice demo sparks amazement and discomfort online 3 weeks ago:
It feels weird, like maybe over-practiced, but I agree that it sounds human enough to fool me.
- Comment on Side-scrolling action game Terminator 2D: NO FATE announced for PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC 4 weeks ago:
I mean… Which Judgment Day? The obvious answer is T2’s Judgment Day of August 29th, but the timeline is so complicated that there’s at least one Judgment Day in September.
- Comment on Is anyone else getting a bit of schadenfreude from the news each day? 4 weeks ago:
I understand the appeal of this, but it’s definitely not healthy or helpful. I have to assume that most of these “swindled” people were low-information voters. Generally, people have more important things to do than keep track of what their representatives are doing. I assume they saw nothing more than, “democrats are in charge, and inflation is a huge issue.”, and conservative news was happy to play up that angle without discussing why inflation is a problem. The democrats’ message of “it’s not as bad as you think it is/look at how much we’ve accomplished/we’re still fixing it” wasn’t very cohesive and didn’t really resound with people, either.
I don’t know what the appropriate response is. Empathy is hard. You don’t have to forgive them for electing a fascist, wanna-be dictator, but you do have to give them “an out”. No one likes to eat crow, so if they can’t find a way to save face, they’re just going to double down, no matter how much it hurts everyone. So far, “how was I supposed to know?” is the closest thing I’ve seen to a way to avoid embarrassment, so I think we’re going to have to let them have that one.
- Comment on Algorithms are breaking how we think - Technology Connections 4 weeks ago:
I subscribe to and have notifications enabled for about 13 channels that upload every single day; I only get notified like once a month about a random video whenever YouTube decides it wants to actually do the thing I have told it to do.
This has not been my experience. I subscribe with bell for almost every channel I follow. If anything I almost get too many notifications, but at least I get to decide whether each notification/video is worth watching or dismissing. The new video notifications aren’t always immediate, but I almost never see a video on my subscription feed that I haven’t already been notified about.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Understand that this is not a rebuttal. You are using the paradox of intolerance to try to justify your position.
Yes, as someone pointed out, the purity tests and echo chambers can be a problem, but when you’re up against a world-wide rise in fascism, saying “we absolutely must fix this problem first” is too close to saying “I’m ok with some fascism, as long as my feelings aren’t hurt.”
- Comment on French video game developers stage first industry-wide strike 5 weeks ago:
Ok. I bought the bundle, but I haven’t heard of any of the games. Are there any that are a “must play”, or do I just add them to the backlog?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Not OP, but mostly inertia. I have a workflow. I have the programs I need to do what I want. Most of it is stuff I’ve had in place for years. Can I do those things on Linux? Probably, but I’d have to look into it.
That being said, my laptop doesn’t officially support Windows 11, so the Windows 10 EoL in October will probably be the “external force” I need to format my drive and switch. Well done, Microsoft.
- Comment on Dino Crisis 1 & 2 just got enhanced PC re-releases, courtesy of GOG 1 month ago:
I enjoyed the original Dino Crisis, despite the clunky controls, but I never played the second one because I wasn’t in the mood to deal with the same interface.
You’re saying the controls are better? I might have to give this a shot after 25 years!
Anyone know how it runs on the Steamdeck? I’m aware that Heroic launcher exists, but I haven’t looked into it yet.
- Comment on I'm not sure I'm toning up my arms the right way, can you help me? 1 month ago:
OP sounds a little new to all of this, so they might need some elaboration on your terms. Once they’re explained, most are pretty obvious, but without clarification, it might be tough to be sure.
I’m going to take a stab at it, but someone please correct me if I get something wrong.
Push/pull are referencing the movement of the exercise. For example, push exercises are ones where the muscle is being used to push the weight, so push-ups/press-ups are a push exercise because you are pushing. Pull exercises, conversely, are like rows, where your muscles are pulling the weight.
As far as I’m aware, bro splits are just focusing on a single muscle group each day/workout session. E.g. Monday: chest, Tuesday: back, Wednesday: legs, etc.
Calorie surplus is, of course, eating more calories than your body uses in a day. You can be at a caloric deficit, caloric maintenance, or caloric surplus, depending on whether you want to lose, maintain, or gain weight. Your body needs more ingredients if it’s going to build more muscle. There are some formulas to give you an idea of your caloric maintenance, but they’re just guidelines. That number is going to vary from person to person, and can change for you over time as you progress.
Training to failure is doing an exercise (with good form!) until you can’t anymore. If you can do a lot of them, you probably need to increase the weight/resistance. One very important thing when training to failure is to keep good form, otherwise you increase the risk of injury. If you can’t do it with good form, that is the point of failure, even if you could do more.
Progressive overload is just gradually increasing the weight, resistance, or reps as you progress. It should be a planned progression, not just deciding in the moment that you could do one more. For example, the first week you might do 3 sets of 10 reps at 100kgs. The next week, you could do 1 set of 11 followed by two sets of 10 at the same weight. Then 2 sets of 11 and 1 set of 10 reps. Eventually, you could drop back to 10 reps, but increase the weight.
- Comment on Think this is a realistic prediction or just being used to hype up investors? 2 months ago:
I haven’t played it, but isn’t that what the Minecraft game Oasis is supposed to be?
From what I saw a few months ago, it has a ways to go, but it is playable.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 2 months ago:
If you accidentally do a nazi salute and then someone says “Hey bro, you really shouldn’t do a nazi salute”
I like to think about how a person like that would react if they accidentally “acted gay”. Can you imagine how much they would trip over themselves trying to make sure people knew it was a mistake?
If you don’t have that level of response to being called a Nazi, you’re probably a Nazi.
- Comment on TikTok Users Gleefully Embrace Even More Chinese App To Spite US TikTok Ban 2 months ago:
Alright. I’m finally hearing enough about pixelfed to start looking into it. Are there any good resources for jumping in?
I see it’s decentralized. Do I just go to pixelfed.org and create an account, or is this like the fediverse where you have to pick an instance to get started?
- Comment on DJI will no longer stop drones from flying over airports, wildfires, and the White House 2 months ago:
DJI voluntarily created its geofencing feature, so it makes a certain degree of sense that the company would get rid of it now that the US government no longer seems to appreciate its help, is blocking some of its drone imports, calls DJI a “Chinese Military Company,” and has started the countdown clock on a de facto import ban.
“The FAA does not require geofencing from drone manufacturers,” FAA spokesperson Ian Gregor confirms to The Verge.
While I don’t think this is a good change, especially after that drone damaged one of the firefighting planes, it does make sense that they would stop hamstringing their product if it’s not required. I assume consumers will also appreciate not being treated like children, but again… it’s not always a good idea to trust everyone to use common sense.
- Comment on Was Isaac Newton physics jesus? 2 months ago:
Poor, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz…
- Comment on Why is daisychaining multiple extension cords considered unsafe, even if only done to the length of a standard cable? 2 months ago:
- Comment on Will the price of Freeze Driers go down? (USA question) 3 months ago:
The person you replied to said
after I had 5 years to freeze dry enough shit to trade for concubines.
and you indicated that your sister would have enough of her own freeze-dried food that she wouldn’t need to trade for it. Thus, she is safe from being OP’s concubine.
- Comment on Social media users probably won't read beyond this headline, researchers say 4 months ago:
Not to mention the tracking (ok, you mentioned cookie notices, but not the actual tracking) that will ultimately impact your social media feeds.
“Huh, my friend-across-the-aisle just posted something that contradicts my world view, but I’m not sure I trust that site. If I click on it, will my feed suddenly be flooded with more untrustworthy sources?”
It’s usually not worth the risk.
- Comment on There is an Easter egg on the Half-Life 2 Anniversary Documentation webpage 4 months ago:
It’s a shame it doesn’t work on mobile.
I tried Chrome and Firefox. I even switched to “Desktop version”, but no dice.
- Comment on Why is the word "expat" a thing? 4 months ago:
A quick Google search says that an expat usually only lives in a new place for a limited period of time. An immigrant moves to a new place with intent to settle.
Whether that’s how it’s used colloquially is another matter…
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 5 months ago:
but be against assisted suicide
No free hand outs! You gotta work for your death!
- Comment on Do drivers in the USA have to yield to alien UFO's? 5 months ago:
In my state
Is it the state of Chaos?
- Comment on How I fell out of love with Facebook(2004-2024) 5 months ago:
Yeah, I definitely remember when they started showing things I didn’t ask for, and I thought “I don’t like that!”
It took a little while, but I eventually started to play “how far can I scroll before I get something I didn’t ask for?”
Shortly after that, I realized I actually had to start playing “how far until I get something I did ask for?”.
Once I realized that, I cut back significantly. I still go from time to time when I’m stuck waiting in line or something, but itbroke my daily habit. I miss what it used to be, but I certainly don’t miss what it is.
- Comment on What does a federal ban on price gouging look like? 5 months ago:
How do you define “compete”?
Here they are on opposite corners of the same intersection.
- Comment on Day 39 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots (Fallout 76) 6 months ago:
More like SkiBilly Bass
- Comment on Walmart's use of digital price tags signal the future of retail shopping, but consumers are worried 7 months ago:
So, if I grab an item off the shelf and browse around the store for a while, is the price going to be the price currently displayed or the price when I grabbed it?
If it’s the current price, what’s the point of a price tag? If I can’t actually know the price until checkout, then showing me the price is kind of a useless bit of data. I also suspect that the “speak to a manager” types would make that a major headache for stores.
If it’s the price when I grabbed it, how are they keeping track of that? I see two ways of handling that: one requires that you use their app to shop, and the other requires cameras and “machine vision” that are still unreliable, at best. The former seems more likely, but I doubt either is going to sit well with customers.
I haven’t seen that aspect addressed in any articles about the “feature”.
- Comment on Pi Day 8 months ago:
Well, you could do the 31st of April, but it seems the universe disagrees with your date format.