Doing extra is never wasted effort. It might not be necessary for the specific report you are doing, but what you learn creates a much better foundation for your future learning, both within the course and in life in general. The things you will be doing in the future will all build on the knowledge you are gaining now, so the less thorough you are now the more you will struggle in the future.
Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: ⛈️🌈🌈 Saturday, October 5 , 2024 3 months ago
I got the first assessment back yesterday. I passed. I’m still working on the other 2 which were due on Monday (but I got an extension).
Assessment 2 is a simple research report. I’ve done the first 3 questions (12 total), and so far I’ve spent about 4ish hours on the 4th. It’s just now dawning on me that it’s probably mostly wasted effort. There aren’t grades, it’s just a pass/fail, and my trainer isn’t a harsh marker. It doesn’t really matter how much detail I put into it, I’ll pass either way.
But it seems I forgot about that and turned it into an entire essay. It is currently 803 words, when it really doesn’t need to be more than 300-400. And I’m only a third of the way through
Why did I do that 3 months ago 3 months ago
I agree. Learn the basics very very well now and everything else will be so much easier. 3 months ago
Thanks! That’s a helpful way to reframe it
I’ve actually been pondering future education recently, and came to the conclusion I’d probably like to go for a bachelor’s in a similar field one day. Being able to do better research and essay style writing than what’s required (which honestly just seems like an extension of year 8 english to me) would definitely make it easier! 3 months ago
There is a vast difference between learning the subject and writing to the question. It is both depressing and hilarious I once got an HD for an essay on a book I didn’t read. Make of that … 3 months ago
I remember when I had to write essays for uni that I the ones I really put effort into didn’t score as high as the one I wrote off the cuff one hour before it was due and ended up getting an HD for it.
Sometimes make me wonder about all the effort I put in 🤔 3 months ago
I used to know the exact time my printer took and the walk to make it to the drop box to get that all important stamp! Not dumb or lazy just need the deadline pantskick 3 months ago
It’s all skill.
It’s all about precision. 3 months ago
Look on the bright side. Writing more is a lot harder than having to condense and prune an essay.
What might make it easier for you to condense is it focus on making sure you address the key points and see if you’ve duplicated or waffled on about something.
Or see if you make an answer to something concise and straight to the point without being too descriptive.
IE. I walked to my car staring at the sunlight coming down through the clouds, I steadily took my time taking steps slowly to my car and opened the door and sat down then I started my engine and began my journey to the new world.
Short version: I walked to my car and started the engine and drove off.
Just make sure if it’s the assignment is asking you to address points that they are addressed and not skipped over. 3 months ago
You’ve got a good point. I don’t think I’ve waffled on much, just done probably 3-4x what was expected. And I’m feeling a little silly since that doesn’t actually do anything for me, and if I hadn’t, I’d be done by now
I don’t think I want to prune it much, although I’m currently paraphrasing and grammar checking what I’ve written so far, and am removing some stuff for clarity. It might not do anything for me, but it’d be a double wasted effort if I just deleted it all! 3 months ago
The word limit is fairly low as well to answer 12 questions.
It’s roughly 30 words per question.
Doesn’t really leave room for an intro or conclusion if you’re sticking to that word limit and if that’s needed.
I hope that helps a little bit. 3 months ago
Oh! I should have been a bit clearer, this is just a single question. I’d guess most people would answer the entire question in about half the words I’ve used to answer a third of it. Although the question is kind of open-ended, so I certainly wouldn’t get in trouble for being as detailed as I am, it’s more just I didn’t have to 3 months ago
Because you care about the work you submit, and you want to demonstrate an understanding of the subject matter.
It’s okay, I tend to over study too, even though I don’t have the time but I’m keen to learn each subject, not just pass it. Welcome to the world of adult learning, Baku, where you feel like a dumbass for caring about what you submit! 3 months ago
You hit the nail on the head there I think. If I’d cared a little less, I’d probably be done with this assessment by now, and not be faced with my current predicament where I have about 40 hours left to finish this assessment + the one I haven’t started yet (30 questions)