Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: ⛈️🌈🌈 Saturday, October 5 , 2024 ⁨2⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I got the first assessment back yesterday. I passed. I’m still working on the other 2 which were due on Monday (but I got an extension).

Assessment 2 is a simple research report. I’ve done the first 3 questions (12 total), and so far I’ve spent about 4ish hours on the 4th. It’s just now dawning on me that it’s probably mostly wasted effort. There aren’t grades, it’s just a pass/fail, and my trainer isn’t a harsh marker. It doesn’t really matter how much detail I put into it, I’ll pass either way.

But it seems I forgot about that and turned it into an entire essay. It is currently 803 words, when it really doesn’t need to be more than 300-400. And I’m only a third of the way through

Why did I do that
