If you watch the movie Jack with Robin Williams, his character farts in a tin and the other kids smell it, so by way of plausible movie science, yes.
Comment on Is it possible to bottle a fart while maintaining its freshness?
damnthefilibuster@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Short answer - Yes. stinkycandlecompany.com/products/fart-candle
Longer answer - all smellable scents are composed of chemicals that our scent receptors can understand, primarily by having the chemical compounds actually arrive into our noses and touch the receptors. What that means is that a fart is composed of very fine “shit particles” that float about till they enter your nose and cause you to smell it.
While an individual fart may be difficult or impossible to bottle, since it contains very few particles needed to either store or replicate successfully, the existence of fart candles displays that farts can be emulated by scent manufacturers by studying the chemical composition of farts.
I wonder how many farts it would have taken for scent manufacturers to successfully replicate a particularly pungent fart!
itsathursday@lemmy.world 5 months ago
wesker@lemmy.sdf.org 5 months ago
If farts are just methane gas, why don’t they all smell as delightful as mine?
RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Because they are not only methane gas. There are other chemicals mized in different amounts.
wesker@lemmy.sdf.org 5 months ago
I’m familar with developing an airborne pathogen, but not how to consistently ensure it smells of fart. This is research.
RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Uh… the world just suffered a massive global pathogen and it still has not recovered. I have lived through too many “once in a lifetime” events, can we please not have another one?