In this style and humor please:
Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 3 months ago
Why didn’t they just make it a fucking animated movie? 3 months ago 3 months ago
That won’t put butts in seats in theaters to make up for the money being invested. Microsoft wants a new generation of kid money. 3 months ago
what’s Microsoft 3 months ago
I’m probably in the minority here but the realistic style is the least of my issues with the movie. I’ve only played modded minecraft and shaders give it that weird realistic look too lol 3 months ago
You’re not in the minority, I just think they should’ve committed to the bit more? The blending of styles is the weird part. Minecraft is already low fidelity and increasing the detail has always worked in the past for these movies. It’s part of why wreck it Ralph, the Mario movie, and even the emoji movie all did pretty well.
I actually enjoyed seeing stuff like the piglins and nether all dressed up and fancy. I just think the people are presented as if the movie contains no animation and it doesn’t work. If they want to make it work, do the Sonic thing and blend the worlds by putting animated spaces in the real world.