Voting for Harris is ill advised if we are concerned about fascism? Are you really saying this with Trump on the ticket? 5 months ago
I don’t need fake stories, myself.
To me, electing someone who is famous for prosecuting non-violent drug users and truants en masse when our government is becoming increasingly more fascist by the day seems incredibly ill-advised.
But this is America. Ill-advised is what we do. You drink the unhealthy, uber-sugary soda and just ignore how unhealthy it is because Coke slapped a picture of a Marvel superhero on the can. We’ve demonstrated that we care more about the packaging than the actual product. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Why don’t you want to vote for the felon rapist who has a history of racist comments and has taken money from corporations and foreign government 5 months ago
Yes, I am.
And I’d suggest that you use a defense other than: “Their guy is as bad as our guy.” 5 months ago
When there are only two options om the ballot and one is set to steer your country into fascism and a recall of human rights — there is no comparison. You vote for the other one. 5 months ago
the fascists are not actually law and order, they just wear it as a bumper sticker 5 months ago
Electing someone who believes that we should have laws and enforce them is exactly what we should do.
When she was a prosecutor, it was not her job to change the laws or decide which ones to enforce. If we don’t want non-violent drug users and truants prosecuted, then we should change those laws. We have a process for that, and it doesn’t include prosecutors making those decisions for us. 5 months ago
That is an exceedingly euphemistic statement. 5 months ago
How is it remotely euphamistic to say a career prosector believes in enforcing the law? 5 months ago
Please read what I wrote again. The answer’s already there. 5 months ago
100% fascist comment. Gross AF. 5 months ago 5 months ago 5 months ago
While you’re correct that laws are created by the legislature the judiciary is where they are judged to be just. At least in systems based on English common law. Look up jury nullification for more info. Also, prosecutorial discretion is a thing. Basically if any law isn’t enforced either through jury nullification and/or prosecutorial discretion then it is vestigial and should be amended or repealed.