Maybe cut out the THC? It’s a depressant.
Comment on Deficiencies 6 months ago
FWIW I already take these vitamins daily, along with magnesium, zinc, copper, folate, manganese, boron, St. John’s Wort, Ashwagandha, Tumeric, SAM-e, Saffron, Kratom, Ginko Baloba, L-theanine, along with a nightly dose of Valerian Root, L-Tryptophan, lemon balm extract, 5-HTP, and 500+ mg of a high THC extract, and I’m still tired and miserable all the time.
Even walking 20k+ steps a day at my job isn’t enough. I’ve never been healthier and more depressed. Tried therapy for a decade but gave up when I couldn’t find a single therapist I can relate with. Not even pharmaceuticals helped me. I’ve accepted the fact that I am just going to be perpetually tired and miserable for the rest of my life and there’s nothing anyone can do to help. 6 months ago 6 months ago
I think this person is on the opposite end and is overwhelming him/herself with too much supplements… 6 months ago
It’s a very common sign of addiction to try every supplement under the sun instead of just addressing the cessation of substance abuse because that’s a much more challenging hill to climb. 6 months ago
You don’t think they started out tired all the time with no supplements and then slowly added them to try it out? 6 months ago
This is correct. I only got this far into the drugs and suppliments because existence was nothing but pain before I discovered everything I currently take over the course of several decades. At least now I’m at a level where I can hold down a job. Before I started taking all this shit, I was a NEET well into my 30s. But now I have a wife and a mortgage and a job. Still miserable but it’s progress. 6 months ago
Honestly I think it’s most likely that you’re simply overworked. (many/most people are)
I think that being overworked, together with emotional instability/lack of security, are the most prevalent causes of mental illnesses in our society today. It’s no “chemical imbalance in your brain” story. Sure, there’s chemical imbalance, but where does that imbalance come from? I guess it’s mostly that our bodies aren’t built for today’s demands. 6 months ago
500+ mg THC? That’s a lot. 6 months ago
And he doesn’t understand why he’s always tired 6 months ago
Makes me wonder if it was a typo, but even 50+ mg is quite a bit. 6 months ago
Only at night and I have a high tolerance 6 months ago
I think ashwaganda is not supposed to be taken daily long term 6 months ago
It can be but you should Tay away from stuff that isn’t just ground root powder as the “supplements” people sell that contain it can lead to liver damage over time, however the only cases of liver damage with ashwaghanda afaik are from extracts and gummies and shit. 6 months ago
Thanks for this. I don’t feel like it does much for me anyway compared to the other shit I take so I will probably eliminate it from my suppliment routine. 6 months ago
Kratom is not a health supplement. 6 months ago
Nor is pot. This guy is abusing drugs and asking why he’s depressed. 6 months ago
I don’t even believe they took 0.5g of THC, that’s an insane amount. Unless they mean over a long period of time. The standard dose you can buy is 10mg. 6 months ago
It’s not insane for heavy users - they sell 1g brownies in dispensaries, these days. That being said, it’s neither cheap nor is there any debate of it being a medicine at that level. Dude’s just getting blasted every day and wondering why he’s tired 6 months ago
I buy 2g carts from the dispensary for $10/pop and break them open to extract the distillate. Then I scoop up a quarter of what I extracted and eat it. So $20 will last me over a week and it knocks me the hell out. 6 months ago
I know but it’s the only way I can feel joy. Before I discovered kratom I never knew what it felt like to smile.
FWIW I only take it on the days really need it (so basically only at work). 6 months ago
Have you tried having a sleep study done? Sometimes your body can go through the sleep cycles weird, or they get interupted resulting in being really tired all the time. A sleep specialist can see what’s going on and help you fix it. 6 months ago
Who’s going to pay for it? I don’t have the thousands to fork over for a sleep study. 6 months ago
That’s why I added if you have the means, I absolutely understand if you don’t. I just had a tooth extracted that was overdue by a few years. Just didn’t have the money to get it filled before it cracked in half and I was in excruciating pain for months. I get it.
Maybe try a community health center if you have one near you? They usually do a sliding scale and can make referrals to doctors who work with uninsured or under-insured people. That’s how I got my tooth taken care of without being thousands in debt after. Just google “community health centers near 'name of town & state.” That is if you feel like pursuing it. Totally get it if you don’t, but the above info can help with other health related issues too.
Either way, I hope even a little of that info is helpful to you. I fucking hate healthcare that’s useless AND expensive. Wishing you the best. 6 months ago
I’m all for people trying, so agree with this. But my experience: I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in 10 years (wake up and am half-asleep, half-awake most of the night). I went to a sleep study, did the sleep-in-hospital-with-electrodes-everywhere thing, met with three doctors in series after, and their conclusion was that I should sleep more.
I am not joking. 6 months ago
Try hiking a couple of days, better a week. I’m serious: Actually being outside for the whole day re-calibrates the circadian rhythm, and actually being active before going to bed makes sleeping way easier. Just don’t make the mistake of setting yourself kilometre goals. 6 months ago
Ugh. Sometimes I think drs just say “it’s all in your head” as an easy way to handwave people out the door. They get paid regardless if they solve your problem or not. I’m sorry that happened to you. If you aren’t sleeping well that’s an issue. Any sleep specialist worth their salt knows this.
It took me about 10 years to get my diagnosis so I feel this. If you have the means maybe seek out a different sleep specialist and do a second test under that one. It’s frustrating that to need to do that, but unfortunately that’s what it comes to when you run into asshole doctors who don’t care, don’t bother listen, or just assume your a moron and your suffering is your own doing.
Best luck to you! I hope you get it figured out and find some relief soon 6 months ago
Did you take their advice? I’m regrettably a person who needs more like 9 to 10 hours of sleep, which is great because I love sleeping, but terrible because I love doing stuff. 6 months ago
Sure, when I can, but the issue is I’m in bed for 8 hours and getting 4-5 hours of sleep… 6 months ago
My sibling in science, I have consumed enough weed in my life to earn me an approving nod from Snoop himself, but on the off chance you’re not shitposting:
500mg is entirely too much for a nighttime dose. You are not getting any proper REM sleep at all if you’re actually doing this to yourself every night. Take a fuckin T-break man.