Comment on Maybe this is better for everyone 3 months agoThey also have the easier side to argue.
no, they don’t
Comment on Maybe this is better for everyone 3 months agoThey also have the easier side to argue.
no, they don’t 3 months ago
Ok what’s the moral justification for eating meat? 3 months ago
i don’t need one. there is no reason for me to believe it’s immoral. it’s probably amoral. 3 months ago
Do you think that animals have consciousness? Do they feel pain, fear? Is it moral for you to inflict pain and fear on a conscious being? What about 1,000,000 of those beings? Would you butcher a toddler for meat? What about an animal with similar (or more) depth of emotion and cognition than that? Is it okay because they are other species? What about the deforestation caused by animal agriculture? What about the impact on climate change? I think there are many valid moral arguments that you are outright dismissing with a mere hand wave. I hope you give it some more thought 3 months ago
if you have an argument that it is immoral, make it. i don’t care for your interrogative style. 3 months ago
that’s bad. buying beans doesn’t fix it though. 3 months ago
i suppose that depends on circumstances. 3 months ago
i am not. i have been fighting with vegans, primarily on issues of the environment, for i think 8 or 9 years now. i have heard about every argument (though i’m always excited to find a new one!), and i have not been convinced by any of them that i have a duty to be vegan. 3 months ago
I think it is funny to make this an ethics discussion when there is plenty of evidence that bacon and sausage cause digestive tract cancers. Meat is also pretty expensive unless heavily subsidized.
I think the main focus should be on educating people that a healthy diet contains a very small amount of meat even though the meat industry has managed to make people think it should be in every meal.