Apparently for lots oft publications (and people in general) it’s impossible to rate anything below 7
Comment on Star Wars Outlaws: Reviews are coming in 5 months ago
I’m surprised to see generally positive reviews given just how entirely Mid the previews all looked. 5 months ago 5 months ago
7 for effort.
8 if it’s executed well.
9 and up if it’s actually a creative and fun game with good mechanics, no MTX, etc.
It just makes the rating system pointless. 5 months ago
Anything less than a 7 gets you blacklisted from publishers. 5 months ago
This right here is why critic scores are almost always higher than audience scores. Becauee the audience doesn’t care about being blacklisted because they honestly scored a product.
Companies have a financial incentive to get high scores. Review outlets have a fincancial incentive to get review copies for free. Put two and two together and it really isn’t hard to see why the critics give whack scores. 5 months ago
A lot of people that played the previews were quite optimistic about the game, save for a few gripes that seem to reflect in most reviews now. But the online community has been rather toxic about a variety of things, ranging from valid concerns to pointless hate. There was one IGN preview that looked pretty bland and bad, but everything else looked alright.
It’s not an innovating game, but frankly I never expected it to be. It looks like a fun immersive experience for SW fans (the actual fans, not the ones that hate literally everything about SW lol). 5 months ago
I hate how fan now means mindless consumer these days and any reflecting on the criticisms of a series means you’re somehow excluded from being a fan. 5 months ago
Have you seen the actual “criticism” lately? Like 99% of the stuff I’ve read from SW “fans” are anything but legit criticism, just trolls incessantly bitching for the sake of bitching and getting social media points and lifting on the hate circlejerks without any constructive feedback. 5 months ago
I wasn’t even talking about SW here, just how fan is used these days. I’m not and never was part of the SW fanbase, but from what I’ve seen from the outside that’s because all the legitimate criticisms were ignored years ago and everyone that cared moved on from the new corporately-stoked toxic fanbase. 5 months ago
Have you seen anything of star wars lately? Nothing has been of quality or has made any lore sense 5 months ago
Didn’t Ubisoft or Disney send people to Disneyland and pay for vacations or whatever in connection with them being invited to play the game? In a legal context, that could easily be seen as veiled bribery. It psychologically makes people more inclined to speak positively because it abuses their desire to be grateful and show gratitude. Basically, a company that wants honest feedback would not do that. Especially not the company with a direct financial incentive to gain from the most expensive marketing campaign they have ever done.
All the gameplay I have seen looks mid at best, and bad at worst. Especially when comparing it to previous Ubisoft games such as AC Black Flag. Comparing AC Black Flag to Star Wars Outlaws demonstrates modern Ubisofts prodound lack of attention to detail. Facial animations, water interactions, stealth, all of the major mechanics of the game demonstrate significant degradation in Outlaws’ gameplay footage. 5 months ago
Access journalism trends this way. 5 months ago
I always thought it looked cool, I don’t see what was so “mid” about any of the previews. 5 months ago
Remember when critics gave positive reviews to Overwatch 2? Yeah, this is that. 5 months ago
Starfield was the same. Looked pretty meh, but almost all (initial) reviewers gave it high marks. It wasn’t until people started playing that the truthful reviews surfaced. Guessing either paid reviews, or reviewers having a skewed view of what makes a game great.