As an alternative to psychedelics, you can reach the same states through meditation. With modern techniques you won’t even need to sit under a tree for 49 days.
Comment on Anon takes the pink pill 7 months agoAny advice on getting decent info for someone considering beginning that particular journey? 7 months ago 7 months ago
technically you can but that’s going to take you roughly 100 times longer and might not work at all 7 months ago
Look, I did not plant this bodhi tree for the fun of it, I’ll take my 45 days!
But also any links to meditation advice is appreciated 7 months ago
My personal advice is: Making meditation a habit is the main hurdle. Set the bar of success so low you can trip over it, such as “I will meditate at least 3 minutes a day”.
And for more what you seem to be after, you can’t go wrong with the Gateway tapes. They’re some guided meditations, but that’s putting it lightly. This is a good place to start: r/gatewaytapes/wiki/start but I wouldn’t recommend browsing the subreddit unless you want your experience to be influenced by the sub’s communal lore.
(the link in the faq is to a store to buy the tapes, but the discord server on step 6 doesn’t have a link to the store iykwim) 7 months ago
Hi fren would you mind sending me those files? Drive link is perfect or whatever you prefer 6 months ago
I’d love a link! Thank you so much!
Also, sorry for taking so long to reply. Haven’t had a lot of Lemmy time the last few days 7 months ago 7 months ago 7 months ago 7 months ago
Thank you! 7 months ago
Erowid is one of those “old Internet” relics that I’m grateful we still have. Now I need to sit and ponder my nostalgia for no less than 30 minutes. 6 months ago
although idk if there’s just not a lot of content for it being a forum or if I’m just really bad at navigating it… the threads always seem abruptly short but maybe I’m spoiled with modern social media. 7 months ago
I was too much of a bookie introvert to have found the good drug websites during that era. Lol. Glad that something remained, though. I just started a neocities site and it’s such a blast from the past. I’m having to completely relearn everything, though. My old angel fire was 99% copy and paste and I didn’t commit any of the html to memory lol