Some joker robbed a US post office in my town a year or so ago. Federal felony.
Exactly! Make sure it’s a felony otherwise you might be billed for every day you’re in jail. Plus, a good enough felony will get you to prison for a good long time. Basically, anything with “grand” in the front of it. 6 months ago 6 months ago
Is that the guy who demanded $1 from the teller and then just sat down to wait for the cops? 6 months ago
No he got away. Not sure if they ever caught him 6 months ago
You can end up paying room and board, mandatory counseling, classes, drug tests, etc. Plus phone calls are outrageously expensive. It’s a total racket. 6 months ago
How does that work if you don’t have money or just don’t? I mean what are they going do? Put you in jail? 6 months ago
Take a piece of all future income until it’s paid off of you pass away. At least here you can personally bankrupt once in a life time and live on “lowest livable” amount of money for five years and then get the debts “forgiven” except those accrued during the five year period.
It’s a hassle to apply and get granted though, usually not the privacy invasion invasion a recently released care to subject to