No, the kids are scared to type scary-sweary words now so the term is ensh*ttification
OP has some catching up to do
Comment on What the fuck happened to YouTube!? 6 months ago
I take it you haven’t been paying attention. The term that has been it coined is called “enshitification” and the Google is running at the head of the pack in their race to the sewer.
No, the kids are scared to type scary-sweary words now so the term is ensh*ttification
OP has some catching up to do
No, the kids have learned that if you mention a swear word or something that could be a swear word on capitalistic social media, you get censored.
That’s b*llshit
Capitalistic? does it too.
What the fuck? So if I’d comment this from they’d delete that comment?
Don’t they have better shit to do?
AuthLeft taking authoritarian practices from other view points? Color me shocked.
Some h*bits die hard
Cool, have sorted it for you
No, I just don’t; the profanity is part of the point. It’s meant to convey the magnitude of the deliberate running of the quality of the things in order to feed the bottomless hunger of the capitalist abomination ruling over all of our lives. 6 months ago
We should probably stop using that word and just call it by it’s proper name, "Capitalism”. The only way for an ad revenue based business to drive growth is to force more and more ads on users, and flood their platform with bots to increase engagement numbers. 6 months ago
It can be two things.