Comment on More than 100 arrested in London as violence flares after Southport stabbings 6 months agoCars affect them way more, so if anything JSO would prolly in the long term make things better for them.
You can’t be serious. People purposely blocking a motorway that’s critical for emergency services are less at fault for blocking emergency services than a person in a car or bus in your eyes?
That’s not a legal defence.
Dunno why you replied to the same line twice, but see above.
the protesters said they are glad they broke the law
See above.
See above. And no, being in contempt of court isn’t based.
Based. Being a judge prosecuting fucking climate protestors is the real crime.
No it’s not based. It’s stupidity. Insulting the judge handling your trial is moronic.
And no, judges prosecuting people guilty of committing a crime, whether you believe the charge is worthy or not, isn’t a crime. It’s their job.
Unreal, I don’t even know the guy but have enormous respect for him. Thanks for sharing this.
Funny. I feel the opposite. I was sympathetic to him before I looked into the facts and saw how much of a moron he is. The disservice he’s doing to the climate debate is immense. I hope he has a good think about his actions while he’s in prison. 6 months ago 6 months ago
Do you even know what being in Contempt of Court is?
Do you think, for example, that not turning up to court shouldn’t go against you? Or purposely trying to derail the trial? Or defying court orders? Or disclosing details of an ongoing court case, risking the entire case being dismissed?
I suppose you must love people like Tommy Robinson, who has on multiple occasions been charged with contempt of court? Is he “based”? Is it Orwellian to bring criminal charges to him? 6 months ago
I agree with Tommy Robinson being charged in contempt of court because I disagree with his views.
I disagree with JSO members being charged in contempt of court because I agree with their views.
Because the former’s views are racist vile shit, but the latter’s views are well intentioned calls for reform.
The two are in fact, not equal, and treating them as such, judging them only by how well they play the system we all know is designed to benefit the status quo is putting that system onto a pedestal of perfection and ignoring all nuance. 6 months ago
You literally just accused me of this and then you admit to actually it being your base belief structure. God you’re obnoxious. 6 months ago
That’s not how courts work, and it’s not how laws work. It shouldn’t be done based on feels.
They explicitly said they would rather people in ambulances die than let them through. Do you agree with that?
Killing people is fine?
You can’t just say “no the law shouldn’t apply to you because I like you”. That sounds like the way some fascist shithole would be run. 6 months ago
My God you are utterly pathetic individual. You actually think that your personal opinion is the same as objective reality. Either you have an ego the size of a small continent or you don’t actually understand what you’re talking about.
I honestly suspect it to be the latter, your response to me was basically copy paste eco warrior bullshit. None of it has any real recognition of the challenges faced by changing, or any real desire to moderate or come to some kind of mutual agreement. All it is is pronouncements with your nose in the air firmly telling everybody how utterly scummy they are they don’t follow your belief structure. 6 months ago
I don’t actually really care that much about the climate and I’m pro-natural-exploitation so long as the spoils of it are shared evenly amongst the proletariat (present and future, so including some degree of preservation), but if some pathetic centrist system-defender wants to label me an eco-warrior I’ll wear it with pride.
Aww, profits go down? What a shame. Degrowth would be such a bad thing what will I do without the AI crypto meta verse being made in 2 years :(
A mutual agreement between a rapist and a victim of rape is not a compromise of a rapist being allowed to “rape a little bit” lmao it is an acknowledgment that one party is 100% right, and the other is absolutely fucking wrong.
I don’t really care if you don’t believe this shit, I think you should consider it, my zealous advocatry for one side I believe is right is not a moral condemnation of opposing and especially not more moderate-but-broadly-in-agreement individuals, it is a condemnation of the system.
The le evil socialists that comprise little more than half of Gen-Z in the UK aren’t out to get some slobby middle manager’s Toyota Camry, he’s just part of a system, they’re there for those who embezzled billions to actively enforce the system. 6 months ago
If you have to descend to erroneously equating the situation to rape then you’ve lost the argument. You cannot rely on an emotional response to an intellectual exercise it’s not only dishonest it’s also unhelpful.
The world is in the state it is in not because some evil person decided to be evil one day but because of a natural development of the human condition. We can’t all go back to living in caves that wouldn’t work, we can’t sustain the current population sitting around campfires and singing camping songs. So unless your advocating for mass genocide I don’t really understand what you want here.
I would prefer to live in the real world and be a realist, I want the world to improve, but I don’t believe that the way to improve it is to be an unmoving obstacle. Doing that is counterproductive to your own argument anyway because everyone will just get fed up with you and eventually ignore you. 6 months ago