Frasier In Space. 6 months ago
i hope its a lot like The Orville or i will be mildly disappointed 6 months ago 6 months ago
You’ll find no bigger klingonophile than I. I spell Qonos with a Q! 6 months ago
I love the Orville, but each season became more serious.
The third season had some really heavy episodes that made me need a break. The whole thing was malloy going to the past was heart breaking.
Don’t get me wrong. I thought that episode was a masterpiece, but it was really emotionally draining. And that’s fine, I’m actually looking to go back and finish season 3 6 months ago
Yeah, season 3 was pretty heavy but excellent. Can’t recall another so consistently excellent season of scifi TV in recent memory. Maybe the early Expanse seasons 6 months ago
Thats my favorite part of the Orville, he sold it them and in ads as “Family Guy INNN SPPAACCEEEEEEE” then bait and switched everyone with a killer SciFi show. 6 months ago
I LOVED this part of the Orville! They start out so incredibly happy and fun loving about space but overtime the toll of the war and their jobs takes pieces of them. By the end they are all a lot more broken than they started and so the episodes reflect that.
Also the final episode is one of my favorite finales of all time so you gotta get there