- Comment on Expanded Steam gaming compatibility likely coming to Arm chips with hundreds of Windows games — Valve testing ARM64 Proton compatibility layer 5 months ago:
There is an open source project that already does this a bit called box86 and box64.
I think you can find videos of people running Skyrim on arm chips like phones or maybe raspberry pi 5.
They don’t run well, but with more powerful chips and valves experience and money, I’m sure they can do it.
- Comment on 5 months ago:
Another commenter already gave a great example, I grew up using a crt for gaming and I turn the filter on on a game by game basis. It really does improve the quality of some games. Other games do not rely on it as much.
Mostly game with detailed art look better with it.
- Comment on James Cameron says future Terminator projects won't include characters from past movies 6 months ago:
That’s great! I’m so tired of everything being about John Connor.
- Comment on Worst examples of Treknobabble 6 months ago:
I think you commented to the wrong person.
- Comment on Happy Star Trek Day! What was your first contact? 6 months ago:
It’s interesting to play by air date. I never considered that, but it would be cool to have to have it rotate between series the way a fan in the 90s would have watched it.
So you use jellyfin to make this playlist?
- Comment on Worst examples of Treknobabble 6 months ago:
The text is not really, but the situation is.
- Comment on Are there any popular Star Trek Day traditions? 6 months ago:
It’s unreasonable to have a special tradition every day of the year.
- Comment on ‘Star Trek: Khan – Ceti Alpha V’ Audio Drama Podcast Is Currently Casting 7 months ago:
In my mind, it is canon unless official canon contradicts it.
- Comment on Actors demand action over 'disgusting' explicit video game scenes 7 months ago:
I agree, 100% there is nothing wrong with mature content in games as long as there is consent by all parties involved.
- Comment on The Official Teaser Trailer for Star Trek: Section 31 Is Here 7 months ago:
Sorry I’m out of the loop. What’s that about?
- Comment on Legacy Cast Joins Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Series 7 months ago:
Agreed, they are two of my favorite trek characters.
- Comment on ‘Star Trek’ Stage Musical Being Explored – Comic-Con 7 months ago:
I just hope they release it on video.
I live in a third would country and there is no way they would ever come here to perform. If they did, it would be so expensive.
- Comment on The Official Teaser Trailer for Star Trek: Section 31 Is Here 7 months ago:
I get the impression that this will take place almost entirely in the mirror universe.
I’m guessing section 31 does something to block or hold back the mirror universe people from going into the prime universe or something like that.
- Comment on The Official Teaser Trailer for Star Trek: Section 31 Is Here 7 months ago:
This is kinda what people said about the kelvin movies. If it were not for them I might never have got into trek. Now, I’ve seen everything trek most of it more than once.
Well I still need to watch prod season 2, but it’s not officially available where I live at the moment.
- Comment on ‘Star Trek’ Live-Action Comedy From Alex Kurtzman, Justin Simien & Tawny Newsome In Works At Paramount+ 7 months ago:
I love the Orville, but each season became more serious.
The third season had some really heavy episodes that made me need a break. The whole thing was malloy going to the past was heart breaking.
Don’t get me wrong. I thought that episode was a masterpiece, but it was really emotionally draining. And that’s fine, I’m actually looking to go back and finish season 3
- Comment on Robert Picardo is joining the cast of Academy 7 months ago:
Agreed, I’m rewatching voyager now, and he is truly so fun.
- Comment on Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 Will Premiere with Two Episodes on October 24 7 months ago:
That’s what I’m hoping it hinted at.
Lower decks is done, because those characters will now be bridge officers.
It will technically be the same show, but it will have a name change and start at season 1 again.
Ho early, we can’t let anyone go as long without a promotion as Harry.
- Comment on Star Trek and Doctor Who Unite for Game Crossover Celebrating International Friendship Day 7 months ago:
Yeah, even if the game is quality, touch screen sucks.
If I’m going through the trouble of connecting a controller, I’ll just use my steamdeck instead.
- Comment on Macroeconomic Policies 8 months ago:
Oh, that’s pretty dark. Thanks!
- Comment on Macroeconomic Policies 8 months ago:
- Comment on Proton announces Docs in Proton Drive 8 months ago:
This is cool, hopefully we get spreadsheets soon.
- Comment on SponsorBlock (and DeArrow): "YouTube is currently experimenting with server-si…" - Fosstodon 9 months ago:
I live in a region that has decently low YouTube premium pricing. If it’s ads or nothing, I may get a subscription. But I haven’t checked pricing in a while, so maybe it’s gone up too much.
- Comment on SponsorBlock (and DeArrow): "YouTube is currently experimenting with server-si…" - Fosstodon 9 months ago:
I live in a region that has decently low YouTube premium pricing. If it’s ads or nothing, I may get a subscription. But I haven’t checked pricing in a while, so maybe it’s gone up too much.
- Comment on Anon knows what he likes 9 months ago:
I did extensive traveling in 2018. I would be in a different country for a week or 2 at a time.
I would check out McDonald’s once per country just to see or try unique things on their menu.
There are so many meals to eat each day, so a single McDonald’s meal is no big deal.
- Comment on Adobe roofies all of their customers (Louis Rossmann's reaction) 9 months ago:
Linus tech tips did a video about this where he had his team use other tools. Essentially he was like, it would end up costing him more or the same as it would take his team longer to do the same stuff and relearn.
It might have been a shortsighted video, but you can look it up if you want to.
- Comment on Peter Jackson Working on New ‘Lord of the Rings’ Films for Warner Bros., Targeting 2026 Debut 10 months ago:
That’s how I feel about them making Harry pet into sTV series.
It was cat print well and most characters will be hard to replace. I can’t imagine it not completely bombing.
- Comment on Oh the wonders of technology 11 months ago:
That is cool if it worked without them. It’s too bad it’s not more common on phones. There is something cool about receiving radio waves and hearing what’s being said.
But last time I tried it, it was mostly commercials.
- Comment on Oh the wonders of technology 11 months ago:
Some androids have fm radios and it uses the headphone cable as an antenna.
I had a Motorola that did it and I think my workphone has it too.
- Comment on Handy guide. 11 months ago:
Wake up sheeple? Where do you think it came from?!?!?
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Also consider your medical records should be protected from anyone you don’t explicitly allow to see them.