The city of Gotham has been shown to be very corrupt, so higher taxes may not exactly fix the issue. This was seen very heavily in the police department before and even during Gordon becoming police commissioner. This is why Gordon and a lot of the civilians embrace the Batman figure because he’s not corrupt.
Comment on All jokers fault probably 7 months agoInstead he should be paying higher taxes so the city/state can have more money to build a bigger and stronger social safety net instead of relying on the good will of the wealthy to take care of their problems. Maybe then they’d have less troubled people fucking shit up, if they can provide mental health care to people. 7 months ago 7 months ago
if they’re corrupt Bruce should be able to buy them instead of using all his obscene wealth to build more bat themed contraptions and vehicles like an insane person. 7 months ago
Or he could be doing both.
Shockingly enough people can do multiple things, especially in a fictional world full of superhuman ability. 7 months ago
Gotham is super polluted right? So it would actually make sense if he was a bit insane from it like everyone else there. 7 months ago
I’ve said this elsewhere but adult comics fans are very fragile about it. My main problem with Batman is he’s so clearly insane, but DC for some reason makes Superman go insane while portraying Batman as this moral compass of the entire universe, where it should be the opposite. Superman is literally the super man, an immensely powerful visitor from outer world who nevertheless is kind and considerate (hear that, Snyder? fuck you and your gray ass world). a shining example of what humanity can be. Batman is someone who was fucked up by a terrible trauma and decided to dress up like a bat, make bat shaped toys and punch small time baddies saying shit like “I am the night” or whatever. he’s literally insane. 7 months ago
They’re corrupt because of the Mafia. Who killed Thomas Wayne for standing against them. Mob corruption has less to do with money and more to do with threats and blackmail. Bribes are just entrapment. Bruce Wayne can do fuck all against that.
Seriously, any “why didn’t Bruce do ___ instead of be Batman?” Has been answered in the comics. 7 months ago
Ah ok I get it. 7 months ago
But unlike the billionaires we have he directly funds those security nets. Straight up runs all kinds of soup kitchens and homeless shelters and a bunch of different true charities not just tax write-off bullshit. 7 months ago
Instead he should be paying higher taxes so the city/state can ~have more money to build a bigger and stronger social safety net~ funnel more money to the organized crime syndicates well known to operate at all levels of Gotham’s government. 7 months ago
But doesn’t he actually fund those social security nets himself directly? Unlike the billionaires we have?