Remember the useless Dothraki cavalry charge?
I remember a very dark screen and a bunch of yelling and then nothing. I assume that’s what you’re talking about.
Comment on Anon watches game of thrones 7 months ago
Nah, they did kill a bunch of people. Remember the useless Dothraki cavalry charge? Straight up substracted the Dothraki army from the political equation, and removing several thematics from the narrative in the same blow. What would’ve become of the Dothraki after the war, had they survived? Would Kingslanding have kept a military continent of Dothraki, the way the Byzantines incorporated Huns in their army? Would they have had a political role in this new order? Would they have faced racism? Or would they have returned to the Steppe, and if so, would they have ruled it as an independent land or remained clients of Daenerys? And how would they have reacted to her death? So many questions that needn’t be addressed thanks to the white walkers.
Remember the useless Dothraki cavalry charge?
I remember a very dark screen and a bunch of yelling and then nothing. I assume that’s what you’re talking about.
I remember when the Dothraki magically respawned for the Bells/final episode. Hooray, even though they got literally swarmed, somehow, Grey Worm survived
Next episode: Hordes of Dothraki 7 months ago
Davos: “There is land in the reach, go start your own house”
Unsullied: “You… you do realize what we are, right?” 7 months ago
Adopt some orphans, there’s sure to be a bunch of those running around by now.