It’s not that their opinion is now valuable. We just figured out that Bullying doesn’t work.
Comment on Anon's coworker is a flat-earther 7 months ago
We used to make fun of people like this. Humiliate them. Alas, no more. Everyone’s opinion is now valuable. 7 months ago 7 months ago
except that it does 7 months ago
Sure, bud. 7 months ago
To supress elements in a herd? Sure it does.
Healthy for the individual? Not so much. 7 months ago
it’s like no bully ever got lunch money from another kid ever, because bullying doesn’t work?
the mafia/mob tried to run protection rackets, but were never successful because bullying doesn’t work.
jfc you people. 🤦♂️ 7 months ago
I think that’s what the internet has done for us, it’s removed that sort “social immune system” that prevented crazy ideas from spreading. Before, if somebody had some crazy ideas, the most they could usually do was rant to people on the bus/subway, maybe make some pamphlets, or some other small-scale thing to spread the idea. At best you might find someone on AM radio broadcasting at weird hours. Individuals would get exposed to it, but would likely never pass it on, this contained crazy ideas and they rarely got traction to spread.
Now the internet comes along, and suddenly crazies are getting hooked up with impressionable people easier than ever before. Crazy ideas have an almost endless supply of rubes that will eat them right up. Our social immune system can’t protect society from all the insane things flying around at high speeds all over the place now. It’s intellectual chaos. 7 months ago
I mean the social immune system also prevented ideas like worker solidarity, gender equality, socioeconomic mobility, sexual freedom, etc. from spreading but I get your point. Opening Pandora’s box let the crazies out as well as the AOC/Bernie and free Palestine crowds. 7 months ago
Humiliating people does not help them grow, study suggests 7 months ago
it’s just as equally effective to break dumb beliefs like this as reasoning is, and both are far more effective than empathy, according to studies. 7 months ago
I’m going to need a source for those claims. 7 months ago
GIYF. the paper is out there, published and reviewed. circa 2021, I think. 7 months ago
No, but it prevents other people from engaging with a topic to begin with 7 months ago
On the other hand, normalizing and allowing it just enables and validates it.