Its the second Coca Cola TM post ive seen since I joined lemmy.
The other one was yesterday.
Comment on Cursed wretched marketing 8 months ago
It’s not marketing, just colour theory. The same idea has been used by painters for ages.
Its the second Coca Cola TM post ive seen since I joined lemmy.
The other one was yesterday.
This site has no protection against marketing aside from moderator action. I’m not certain OP chose a coke can for that image or whether this was simply the first version of that illusion that OP has seen 8 months ago
It is when you use cova cola instead of, lolipop, santa, flag, flower or some other red object. 8 months ago
[Here’s another example]( 8 months ago
That’s so weird. You can stare at a pixel and go “yep that’s red”. Zoom in, still red. Zoom more, BOOM IT’S BLACK! 8 months ago
The “red” parts are white, but yeah it’s interesting 8 months ago
Why is my brain making the train stripes red? I don’t know what color they normally are, which I assumed was the mechanism behind the coke can illusion. 8 months ago
Because our brains interpret colours and shading relative to their surroundings. That specific blue is on the opposite side of the colour wheel from red, so that relative lack of blue can be interpreted by our brains as red.
Remember that white is all colours present, so white next to white will have more red than white next to blue.
You’d get a similar effect if you stare at a bright blue version of the can for a while and then look at a blank white page or close your eyes. The after image isn’t the same colour as the thing you were staring at, it’s the inverse of that colour. 8 months ago
Nah, it’s still colour theory. Now it’s yellow, magic. Image 8 months ago
Ew adobe 8 months ago
I’m right there with you, I just downloaded the first app I thought might let me shift hue. 8 months ago
Jokes on you I zoomed in and out on the original and now the can appears white no matter what.