Some of these are pretty funny though
Comment on Big Kone lies 8 months ago
Can we all just agree now to leave the 4chan stuff on 4chan? 8 months ago 8 months ago
4chan humor is mostly moldy af in my opinion, plus it links the fediverse to a toxic internet culture.
Reddit’s decline further and further into alt-right bullshit was facilitated in part by subs like greentext. The alt-right always tries to use “humor” as a gateway into normal spaces, corrupting them by slowly introducing fashy nonsense as “just jokes bro”.
They post this stuff on other social media because their incel kingdom is dying. I say let it die, no need to give them relevance. 8 months ago
wow, what a way to demonize a group of people you don’t understand. How does one achieve the naivety to believe only a single political faction operates like this? I have bad news for you comrades. We were all incels once. Don’t give up on others–the ‘alt-right’ suffers the same as we do. I also have to point out the blatant hypocrisy of disavowing ‘toxic internet culture’ in the most toxic and myopic way possible 😆 8 months ago
How does one achieve the naivety to believe only a single political faction operates like this?
Because literally only one does. There is no bothsides here. 4chan is a cesspool that spawned some of the most awful hate seen on the Internet. Bannon saw the opportunity to there during Gamer Gate and 4chan was a willing springboard for the political disaster unfolding not just in the US but globally.
Fuck 4chan and fuck fascists, there is no giving them a “fair shake”. 8 months ago
I don’t use 4chan, I just download the funny snipped things like this. I generally avoid most hyper political memes because those are the hardest to repost. They also age the hardest. No one cares about the fly on pences head anymore so I can’t post those.
Not saying 4chan doesn’t have its problems or whatever, just my perspective for hoarding memes is I save what’s funny but also what I can repost. 8 months ago
Just want to say it is refreshing to see this take from someone else.
Keep 4chan on 4chan. 8 months ago
pssst, that’s what the downvote button if for 😉 8 months ago
A lot of instances have downvotes disabled and another lesson we all gleaned from Reddit is that votes are not effective content moderation. 8 months ago
It’s also what the comment feature is for. 8 months ago
No. No, we can’t. 8 months ago
Image 8 months ago
Dangit now I’m craving spaghetti.