civ5 without any DLC
Utterly insane. 😳
Comment on TBH 6 was kind of a downgrade from 5 8 months ago
your friends
Single player supremacy
I’m still enjoying civ5 without any DLC
civ5 without any DLC
Utterly insane. 😳
I’m still playing civ IV. With the direction the series has been going, it looks like I probably always will.
Something fun to mess with in Civ V is on small custom maps with designated start points, when start bias can’t take effect it will always place players on points starting from bottom right going left and then from bottom to top.
Example: Player 1 will always be placed on the lowest tile furthest to the right.
You can use this to get the deity achievment if you just don’t give the AI any workable tiles. 8 months ago
I had a friend that played civ, he invited me to multiplayer. Little did I know, he plays against the hardest bots on a regular basis. I had only done like, two single player games.
I don’t play with him anymore. 8 months ago
I like playing with my sister because we both regularly play on Deity difficulty and it’s the only way to be challenged anymore. 8 months ago
That’s what sucks about Civ (and EU4, HOI4 and the like for that matter) — once you figure out how it works and you start winning it becomes boring in single player.
And then for multiplayer it’s hard to find someone committed to playing for long stretches of time consistently.
IMO games where losing is fun is where it’s at, like Crusader Kings, Rimworld and Dwarf Fortress. 8 months ago
I just heard about Songs of Styx not too long ago that’s basically Dwarf Fortress/Rimworld combined with EU/HOI. A granular empire builder, where you also have other competing empires to conquer or ally with. It looks dope, and I might get it.