How is software without a CPU useful? Its literally a list of instructions for a CPU.
Also a CPU can still calculate stuff if you just send electrical signals to the right connections. Software is just a way for the CPU to keep going and do more calculations with the results. 8 months ago
Isn’t software the “trick rock into thinking” part? 8 months ago
Software is a list of instructions, you can execute it with pen and paper or just using your brain if you want. 8 months ago
Try doing that with my code. 8 months ago
Or with a Skyrim porn mod 8 months ago
Try doing it with IOCCC code. 8 months ago
Software is a necessary component, just like screws are a necessary component in an engine. Screws don’t exist only in engines, have existed since long before engines, and can be used in other ways. Just like software.