Comment on [deleted] ⁨5⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

When people talk about “christians” they always fail to realize that there are hundreds of different denominations. Some are going to be psycho snake swingers or ultra regressive loons. Others are just regular people who believe in god. People always focus on the crazies because the crazies are the ones standing around screeching.

But there are plenty of denominations that are left leaning as fuck because, guess what, Jesus as described in the bible was a socialist hippy who hung out with sex workers, leppers, and other social outcasts. For example the church I always went to was pro same sex marriage as far back as 2005, so long before it was legal in most states (I just don’t remember it comming up before that).

So some ultra regressives (like the person who made those comics) are anti-education because they’re against anything that doesn’t promote their worldview. But I’d say the vast majority of christians aren’t like that at all.
