I have a vague memory of that and I have a feeling it would be a massive ecological catastrophe.
Then again, Earth had already gone through a nuclear war, so whatever.
Comment on Why has no one thought of this before?!
Bach37strad@lemmy.world 9 months ago
There’s an episode of Star Trek TNG where the crew is briefly back on earth and capt Picard is enticed by the idea of taking a job where they do exactly this. They work on lifting a tectonic plate from the ocean floor to create a new continent.
I have a vague memory of that and I have a feeling it would be a massive ecological catastrophe.
Then again, Earth had already gone through a nuclear war, so whatever.
I mean, two nuclear bombs were used in war and a bunch in testing, unless I’m forgetting something. I feel like tectonic activity could definitely be much worse than that, judging by the early earth environment.
I believe the project in that episode was actually Atlantropa, a dam across the strait of Gibraltar to drain the entire Mediterranean sea.
The idea was proposed in the 1920s and somewhat entertained by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.
Why do I have no memory of this
Because you fail as a nerd and have brought shame on your family.
Time to do a ritual self-killing known as sudoku.
Nonono, that’s a stupid puzzle game. The word you’re looking for is sardaukar.
If it helps I think it's the one where he gets into a fight with his brother
Yeah, I already found it on Memory Alpha
My neuropathy prevents me from forgetting things like that
darthelmet@lemmy.world 9 months ago
Just like the Simpsons or XKCD, there’s always a relevant Star Trek episode. It’s unfortunate none of my friends have watched any.
SpaceNoodle@lemmy.world 9 months ago
Are those really friends?
FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 9 months ago
Where do we ship the Clockwork Orange eyelid clamps?
Bach37strad@lemmy.world 9 months ago
I’ll be your friend ♥️