- Comment on Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.? 9 months ago:
Yeah. There's always a chance that a customer could have an issue on a weekend and then I've gotta fix it. Once I was on 27 hours of conference calls over a weekend. But as I've gotten better at my job those sorts of things happen less and less.
Honestly the worst part of my job is doing my timesheets and updating weekly status, but when the weather's good I do that from my hammock with a cold beer in hand which makes it suck less.
- Comment on Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.? 9 months ago:
I'm salaried so I don't have a lunch break. I work from home so I basically set my own hours as long as I can be contacted from about 10am to 3pm and go to any meetings I have scheduled.
- Comment on Is lemmy now what reddit used to be 10+ years ago? 9 months ago:
Which was when Slashdot was like BBS before the Eternal September
- Comment on Why has no one thought of this before?! 9 months ago:
My neuropathy prevents me from forgetting things like that
- Comment on Why has no one thought of this before?! 9 months ago:
If it helps I think it's the one where he gets into a fight with his brother
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 10 months ago:
Nation-states were a stupid idea to begin with
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 10 months ago:
I think it has more to do with maintaining a manufacturing base for defense than it is about jobs or the economy.
- Comment on The second matchup of the tournament 10 months ago:
Forrest like Gump or Forrest like Nathan Bedford?
- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 10 months ago:
The Agricultural Revolution was a trap
- Comment on Seems legit 10 months ago:
Remind me of the Hammerhead Eagle i-Thrust
- Comment on this picture is 27kb 10 months ago:
I drove a lady home from a party in NYC at like midnight, and I said "Oh, it's only five miles that won't be bad"
It took an hour to get there and back. I wasn't really mad because she was cute and maybe into me but we could have walked that distance in the same amount of time.
- Comment on What is Reddit doing 10 months ago:
They're boosting their sign up numbers by putting porn behind it. I bet it's not even that racy, they just know that humans are motivated by something potentially titillating
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
Nobody is going to re-certify a plant built on 1960s technology
Yeah, that's why they're re-starting one built on 1970s technology
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
I wouldn't build a new power plant, but reactivating existing ones makes sense and is cheaper per GW than solar and reactivation has insignificant emissions.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
I don't think nuclear power was killed by NIMBYs, at least not entirely. In the 1970s and 80s the financial world started taking a much more short-term view. Nuclear power plants have such a huge up-front cost that you aren't going to see returns for decades. When the market wants numbers to go up every quarter they're not going to finance something that won't make a profit for 20 years.
- Comment on Oddly specific question 10 months ago:
Yeah, but that's not the decadence they're talking about. They mean things like "feeling like yourself" and "having good sex."
- Comment on Oddly specific question 10 months ago:
Imagine thinking decadence is a bad thing
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I've worked for a couple startups and you're absolutely right. If you make a profit you pay taxes on that money, so startups like to spend most of the money they bring in. They also want to show revenue growth, since that's what investors like to see. You grow revenue by getting more paying customers. And you do that by doing what your customers want.
When you go public, your goal is to increase shareholder value. So you do this by reducing costs and finding ways to wring customers out of revenue. You find ways to nickle and dime customers out of revenue so much you develop an entire branch of law devoted to your lawsuits
- Comment on Union leader endorsing Biden: ‘We’re not gonna waste a lot of time’ on Trump supporters 10 months ago:
I lived in prime Trump Country during 2016, and a couple people told me that they admired Bernie because he was honest and also hated billionaires.
Plus I had a few guys on the verge of staging a takeover of the local concrete plant until Der Kommissar pointed out that I was describing a socialist cooperative.
- Comment on Union leader endorsing Biden: ‘We’re not gonna waste a lot of time’ on Trump supporters 10 months ago:
Blue collar dudes are surprisingly okay with leftist ideas if you don't use the "bad words." But if the group's too big there will be someone from their Politburo who realizes what you're talking about and starts hurling feces.
- Comment on Ask ChatGPT to pick a number between 1 and 100 11 months ago:
So what? It figured out The Answer, big whoop.
Get back to me when it figures out The Question.
- Comment on acceptable screws 11 months ago:
Robertson (square) is also great, and it's as Canadian as bagged milk
- Comment on California law would give employees the 'right to disconnect' during nonworking hours 11 months ago:
Including adding us to the schedule without saying anything then deducting points for no-show
IANAL but that sounds like a labor law violation
- Comment on Best printer 2024, best printer for home use, office use, printing labels, printer for school, homework printer you are a printer we are all printers 11 months ago:
There is, but since color printers are the ones that were used in counterfeiting most black and white printers don't do that sort of thing. Plus I don't know how you'd encode that much information in black and white without making it visible on the paper.
- Comment on Best printer 2024, best printer for home use, office use, printing labels, printer for school, homework printer you are a printer we are all printers 11 months ago:
Only color laser printers put those yellow dots on paper. The black and white ones don't because they can't: They don't have yellow toner.
So get a black and white printer and you'll be fine.
- Comment on The world has become Applefied. 11 months ago:
Yeah, those folks who work 16 hours and have no cooking knowledge should go out and buy a bunch of pots and pans and knives and a ton of ingredients. They don't need to sleep and have plenty of extra money to waste on ruined food.
What a douchey take.
- Comment on The world has become Applefied. 11 months ago:
Don't forget that generation also saw home economics classes removed from school, so if they don't learn to cook from their parents they just don't learn to cook.
- Comment on 3 days 🤯 11 months ago:
Three day special bridge rebuilding operation
- Comment on I feel old 11 months ago:
Yeah you know me!
Sorry, 42 years old, force of habit.
- Comment on I feel old 11 months ago:
In my age OPP meant something quite a bit different.