- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
It’s not on the border. The specturm line is under each trait. Though it’s absolutely ridiculous that they’re connected instead of being bars.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 8 months ago:
They’re talking about the desktop application.
- Comment on Why do we say, "when I look in the mirror" instead of "when I look in a mirror?" 8 months ago:
Maybe there’s a cultural idea about mirrors being somehow “the same”. After all, a mirror shows the same thing regardless of which one it is. Or related in cultural mythology to a singular adjoining world that contains your doppelganger (in such media, you don’t usually have a separate mirror self for every mirror, but one that can be accessed from any mirror). Also could be a turn of phrase that stuck without a good reason.
- Comment on Why has no one thought of this before?! 9 months ago:
I mean, two nuclear bombs were used in war and a bunch in testing, unless I’m forgetting something. I feel like tectonic activity could definitely be much worse than that, judging by the early earth environment.
- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 9 months ago:
Fix the system, make a new system, buy discerningly. Have a garden if you can and advocate for more of them if you want. Fight against monoculture, irresponsible fertilizer and pesticide use, copyright abuse, and more. None of that is an irreplacable part of growing food at a large and efficient scale.
By the way, I’m curious about the Haber-Bosch figure. Isn’t that the process that allows us to easily make fertilizer, and greatly increase productivity? It seems like that 5% is doing much more heavy lifting than, for example, the ~20% from cow burps.
- Comment on Mandelbrot 9 months ago:
Not in a finite space, no. But it could have infinite detail without infinite length (like the square with corners folded in to approximate a circle).
- Comment on This guy reads minds! (Repost) 10 months ago:
The implication is that the poster, upon seeing the Tesla vehicle, wondered why the owner assosiated themself with Elon by buying a Tesla. The decal answers that question, giving the impression that the owner read the poster’s mind.