Also his cat example was an attempt to disprove the Copenhagen interpretation, because he disagreed with it. The cat in the box was the most ridiculous thing he could think of to show how stupid it is.
Comment on Schrodinger 8 months ago
YSK that Schrödinger was very openly pedophile, constantly bragging about the little girls he groomed and raped.…/schrdinger-pedophilia-the-cat-is-out…
So I’m not saying we should cancel Schrödinger’s work (this wouldn’t make any sense) but maybe just maybe we should avoid any reference to this POS in our Pop culture.
Just a thought. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Exactly 8 months ago
He made a excellent argument for it though. That is his legacy. In fucking up and failing to disprove quantum theory by giving a simple explanation for it he became universally known.
**In truth Schrodinger was a loser. ** 8 months ago
Also, the thing about the cat…. He posited the situation as a farse. He was making fun of others who were saying that the world worked that way. 8 months ago
It’s the duality of man, sometimes people can do great things at the same time as doing terrible things.
We should just realise that people are good and bad and not hold people on pedestals. 8 months ago
I don’t give a flying fuck about the “duality of a man”. As I said, we can’t cancel the work of this POS. What we can do is letting his story die among other not so famous scientists but nonetheless more relevant even in the eyes of science. Those who deserve to be known and reminded.
My dad liked that quote “You die twice. First when your body shuts down. Second the last time someone ever pronounces your name”
So if you don’t mind, let’s kill that motherfucker once and for all. 8 months ago
It’s just an unrealistic expectation is alls I’m saying. The fact is, people will remember his name in 10,000 years because he is a part of history and you can’t rewrite history.
Let’s agree to disagree aye. 8 months ago
Idk, I think it’s worth mentioning. I didn’t know that about him. 8 months ago
I think in 10,000 years he’ll be in the books, but people won’t be making memes, and the average person won’t know anything about him. 8 months ago
Sure. Which other scientist who first designed Schrödinger’s Cat experiment should I refer to by name, then? 8 months ago
The S. Cat experiment has always been a pun. It argues that the cat is in superposition of state, which is absurd. That was a bad dad joke from the very beginning.
So what you’re asking is basically “how do I tell the joke without telling the joke?”
And my answer to that is maybe you simply shouldn’t tell that joke because it’s bad. 8 months ago
Curious, non native English speaker?
Reminded is more like to make them remember. Remembered would be the word.
Also, pronounces kinda works, but simpler would just be the word “says”, or to add a more ominous tone “utters”.
No judgement, actually positive judgement… it’s very good English. And better than I speak any other language. 8 months ago
You’re right, I’m French
Thank you! 8 months ago
Shockingly, there are in fact scientists that do great things that aren’t terrible on the side like Schrödinger or Feynman. If people properly called them out, maybe we’d have more. 8 months ago
Now what did Feynman do on the side? 8 months ago
As far as I know, he was a player if you know what I mean. Which is not as bad as being a pedophile. 8 months ago
Yeah, we should ensure the fame of better scientists, like Dr Wernher von Braun, who contributed to rocketry and the development of the Saturn V rocket as well as the V2 which was the first long range rocket used for military purposes–hmmm–by the na–oh no. Uh nm. 8 months ago
I didn’t know Dr Wernher von Braun had such importance in pop culture.
As I wrote, there’s no point cancelling his work. I just want to stop hearing about his stupid cat once and for all. I don’t need it to get an understanding Quantum Physics. In fact, the whole thing is even more confusing for people with no background in the field.
If Humanity can’t come up with a good quantum physics related pun, we might indeed deserve to be replaced by AIs.