Comment on Daily discussion thread: 🎆 Saturday, May 11, 2024 ⁨1⁩ ⁨month⁩ ago

So, I have a small guilty pleasure now: I downloaded tiktok and am loving all the videos with pets tbh.


But I watch one video by an Aussie lady about women’s rights and whatnot, and now tiktok thinks that’s all I want to watch. 😭 Like, 4b movement stuff, the rate of homicides, etc. It’s interesting but like, also triggering of course. I’m in the process of re-teaching the algorithm or whatever. But I also feel like I don’t have a right to talk about my experience, not because of what they’ve said or anything like that. But because my abusive ex was male and male presenting for the VAST majority of our relationship, until the last 6 months where they only came out to me about being a tran-woman. So, like, they’re part of this super marginalised group, having told their friends I was transphobic. I don’t feel like I can talk about it with anyone (besidesy dad and my partner), without, like, playing into that lie they told. I believe they are, of course, trans, but also that they use it as an excuse to not take accountability for their heinous actions. That if I did file a police report, that I’d be called transphobic and a false reporter. What a strange position to be in. Just needed to have a small ranty rant about it, because I haven’t seen anyone else anywhere have, or talk about, an experience like mine without also being transphobic. I always feel like if I talk about it, if I don’t use the right pronouns, or if I clarify “well they were male, but are now female” it’s about women-on-women DV. Which, it wasn’t, but is it?

Ugh, just gonna keep saving up for a psych appointment and hopefully I can start feeling better about being in this tiny bubble of one.
