You realize these are all incorrect right?
Comment on Checkmate, science 10 months ago
Me sighing as people akshually comment explaining the obvious in a meme sub. 😅 10 months ago 9 months ago
Please explain the correct answer 9 months ago
Sure. The magnet applies a force on the metal block, and the metal block an equal force on the magnet. The force is dissipates as tension along the arm. All forces cancel out, so no net force is applied on the body. 9 months ago
They are connected in the same system. What the truck is doing is the same thing as you holding two magnets together, you won’t go anywhere because everything is self contained. 9 months ago
If the arm can bend, the car and the magnet could move towards each other until they come together, moving the car at max a few centimeters. If the arm doesn’t bend, the car is pulled as much forward as the magnet, and therefore the arm and in turn the car itself, is pulled forward, leaving the whole system stationary. 9 months ago
You realize I responded when there was only one comment, right? 🙄 9 months ago
Then why use plural people? You pre-emptively complained about something that wasnt much of an issue and then got upset when people got excited about a silly physics puzzle/riddle? 9 months ago
Then why use plural people?
Because it happened in another thread I was reading. It’s a common pattern on Lemmy. Simple as.
You pre-emptively complained… then got upset
I did not pre-empted and I did not “complain”, and I certainly did not get upset 😂🤣 What is this.
You’re just willingly misinterpreting everything I did to paint a warped picture of me. Restrain yourself, please. 10 months ago
No stupid question 9 months ago
It’s a troll post in a meme sub. Idk what to tell you… Sure, I guess? 9 months ago
What if my hobby is to react dead seriously to troll posts in meme subs 9 months ago
My hobby is to sigh at people who do that. You keep my hobby alive! 10 months ago
Hey now, I’m not an engineer So the first time I saw this a few weeks ago it kinda blew my mind and I really had to think it through. Please don’t shame people when they need to take a moment to think things through. 9 months ago
Hold up, I’m not shaming anybody who wants to think things through. You’re more than welcome to, as you do in your regular day to day. I just think it’s funny that people feel the need to over explain anything and everything on Lemmy even the troll stuff they see in a shitpost, which is very different. Don’t overload my comment with a take, please, that’s not what I’m doing.