You can get it at many restaurants in the south, extremely common. I had some in Atlanta Georgia, fried bites as an app. Gamey chicken is a pretty good descriptor!
Plenty of places to eat crocodile in Australia too, particularly up North in Queensland or the Northern Territory, but it’s also available throughout the mainland. We even have croc farms - mostly for the leather - but the good quality meat is sold on for people to eat too. It’s pretty gamey meat, and tastes a bit like a chicken-fish. Aboriginal peoples across some Countries in Australia have special licence (by way of their heritage) to still hunt croc for their pelts and meat, and to maintain their numbers as a part of practicing their cultural heritage. 9 months ago
I just realized that I have never consumed a reptile. 9 months ago
In this scenario, you still would not have. Theropods are proto-birds. 9 months ago
You can get alligator from some specialty butchers or from food stalls at fairs sometimes.
It tastes like gamey swamp chicken. Very, very earthy. Maybe the example i had wasent a good one, but let’s say I didn’t go back for seconds. 9 months ago
You can get it at many restaurants in the south, extremely common. I had some in Atlanta Georgia, fried bites as an app. Gamey chicken is a pretty good descriptor! 9 months ago
Plenty of places to eat crocodile in Australia too, particularly up North in Queensland or the Northern Territory, but it’s also available throughout the mainland. We even have croc farms - mostly for the leather - but the good quality meat is sold on for people to eat too. It’s pretty gamey meat, and tastes a bit like a chicken-fish. Aboriginal peoples across some Countries in Australia have special licence (by way of their heritage) to still hunt croc for their pelts and meat, and to maintain their numbers as a part of practicing their cultural heritage. 9 months ago
Alligator is not bad deep fried, but still tastes like you’re eating a weird chicken. 9 months ago
Hey! Who told you my high school nickname?! 9 months ago
I’ve had snake. It’s pretty mediocre and tough.