Staph and strep infections are more common than you think, they live on healthy human skin after all, and usually no sign to be alarmed. Whenever you get a pustule or redness, it’s probably staph.
Warning signs to watch out for are intense itchiness, affected skin feeling very different to the touch, browning or rapidly growing red patches and a stinging, pulsating pain.
I had a really bad strep infection in my leg in 2023, caused by an infectious a wound that I repeatedly scratched due to itching, and it hurt so much that even just moving the leg into an upright position would cause pain that made me see stars. I have before/after pics from my leg at that time if you want… 10 months ago
Hopefully it’s just really bad razor burn, but it could be anything. I’m in poor health right now for non-skin related reasons, but it could definitely have an effect there. We’ll have to see.
Either way, it annoyed me that I went from “I’ll make myself look presentable” to “well, so much for that idea” just because I did the thing you’re supposed to do in order to look more presentable. 10 months ago
A beard is perfectly presentable so long as it is trimmed and tidy. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise 10 months ago
Damn right. 10 months ago
Mine looked pretty awful. 10 months ago
It’s all in the way you trim and neaten it imo. When people let their beards run wild, it tends to not look that great. But if you keep it trimmed neatly, even if it’s long, it can look pretty nice! 10 months ago
Nothing some make-up or a bit of photo-editing can’t fix.