Especially if you are a musician. Musicians need to boycott it. 99.9999% of musicians wouldn’t even notice if they weren’t on it but it would destroy Spotify.
Comment on Spotify plans to raise prices this year and introduce new plans - news 10 months ago
Spotify is making bank on musician who get get jack squat in return. Don’t use Spotify. 10 months ago 10 months ago
It’s not even worth indie and small artists time to put it on there. Spotify has now officially demonetised all songs with less than 1,000 streams:…/spotify-has-now-officially-demonetised-… 10 months ago
I remember hearing about this. And I bet you the reason they ended up with so many songs with less than 1000 plays is because their own algorithm. Apart from creating money problems for most musicians, they have been actively narrowing our artistic culture by effectively inbreeding modern music. Its really bad. We need musicians (and all other artists) to express and reflect who we are and what we’re about. They empower us. I feel like contemporary music has become narrowed down to nothing but hedonism, vanity and self-loathing; largely thanks to the likes spotify.
BTW if you’re interested in something which is good, check out It’s music from artists on the fediverse. I’ve had some great sessions listening to their comfy channel and discovered some awesome new artists that I wouldn’t have otherwise. 10 months ago
I’m familiar. I have some tracks on there. I do metal though, and I have no clue when they actually play it. 10 months ago
Should probably suggest an alternative. 10 months ago
Why? Streaming has become a scam and everyone seems okay with it. Like everything online. Everything is an expensive subscription to rent entertainment. My suggestion? Buy CDs. Buy directly from the artists. Or pirate it, at least Spotify won’t make any money from it. 10 months ago
And the artists still won’t. So given in either case, the artist don’t make squat; using Spotify is easier. So, use spotify. 10 months ago
So you care more about yourself and Spotify than the artists who give you hours and hours of entertainment. Cool. 10 months ago
How is Spotify a scam? I can probably at most buy one CD per month for the same price as Spotify. Yet Spotify gives unlimited access to good quality versions of almost every song out there. Even with raised prices it’s still a way better deal for most consumers than buying music directly.
Personally I tend to also buy a few albums a year, because I like owning them and I like supporting the artists. But the convenience of having every track at your fingertips is hard to beat 10 months ago
that is why spotify is a scam. it may be a good deal for you, the consumer, but it has made it even harder for artists to make money off their work. 10 months ago
It’s a scam for artists. They make a pittance. Meanwhile, Spotify is raking it in. It may be an amazing deal for you, but musicians are making nothing from it. 10 months ago
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