- Comment on Whose bright idea was it to give the morning people enough power to set the "business hours" anyways‽ 2 weeks ago:
I never used to be a morning person, but honestly I prefer it this way now. I want to have the work done before my free time, and I want my free time to have as much daytime as possible. Following my current working hours has me awake when the sun is up, which personally gives me way more energy than doing stuff in the dark. I’d love to wake up later, but honestly that just wastes a nice part of daytime. You can train your body to maintain a schedule like this and then any other one will feel weird.
- Comment on What’s an acceptable gender neutral replacement for “techbro”? 2 weeks ago:
I’m Dutch, so pretty far away yeah
- Comment on What’s an acceptable gender neutral replacement for “techbro”? 2 weeks ago:
Fair point. Yeah that fits exactly
- Comment on This is also when I conveniently forget you called, making your preferred method of communication incredibly slow compared to texting. 2 weeks ago:
Because I find calling hugely uncomfortable if I don’t know what to expect. If the person on the other side wants something from me, they can inform me beforehand via a message so I can prepare. An unexpected call interrupts whatever I’m doing and therefore has no respect for my day. If I take the call I’ll have to refocus on whatever I was doing again which can take time and will take me energy.
Look, maybe it’s because of Autism or AD(H)D, but task switching is something that costs me a lot of energy and causes a lot of chaos. When I get a message, I can easily decide whether it’s actually worth my time, and in the case that it is urgent enough I can still usually clean up whatever I’m doing in such a way that I can easily continue. Getting a call forces my brain to drop everything on the spot (leaving behind a mess) in order to focus on the "being social " part, locks down one of my hands to hold my phone, and does not allow me to filter. Combine that with the numerous bullshit calls that I get from companies, spammers, and recruiters and you’ll hopefully understand why I absolutely hate unexpected calls from random phone numbers.
Calls can be very useful, but I’m only okay with it when it’s expected or necessary. Having a friend or family member call (or better: asking if we can call) because they need to tell me something important or need my urgent attention is the best way to do it. I don’t want a message if someone needs me right now, because I could easily read the message only 20 minutes later. Likewise, we’re obviously not going to have remote meetings via chat at work, not am I going to game with friends over text chat. But even then it’s often not oldschool calls with their horrible quality, need to hold the phone, and lack of video or screen sharing. It’s services like mumble or other VoIP services.
- Comment on What’s an acceptable gender neutral replacement for “techbro”? 2 weeks ago:
This makes me realize that I never saw a non-male techbro. Somehow the techbro crowd seems to mostly consist of young men.
- Comment on work related: is this something only an autistic would ask? 3 weeks ago:
Okay I’m autistic so I might be missing stuff as well, but really the only reasoning I can think of is the following: They might be very understaffed when you called and therefore busy, that’s why the assigned you after all. She might have been working her ass of when you called (or the whole day before you called) and be completely stressed out. Especially if you called during her working hours. Assuming you called during working hours, you were probably distracting her from all the important work she is stressing about to ask a question that from her context kinda equates to “is water wet?”.
Assuming all (or most) of these assumptions are true I can understand why she got annoyed, even if it’s mostly a miscommunication. If she was very busy and stressed you probably also became a bit of a lightning rod for all the stress that built up over the day.
I don’t think this necessarily a “mistake” that only autistic people would make. In the wrong conditions this could happen to anyone. But as an autistic person I do recognize that stuff like this often happens more to me because I tend to find things that are “obvious” and “dumb questions” to neurotypicals absolutely not obvious. Combine that with often not understanding how others will feel, and it becomes very easy to make these mistakes as someone who’s autistic.
- Comment on This is also when I conveniently forget you called, making your preferred method of communication incredibly slow compared to texting. 3 weeks ago:
Mood. Someone has been calling me 3 times in the past days and I don’t know who. They left one accidental voice mail that didn’t help and didn’t text or anything. I’m not going to pick up the phone, guess I’ll text them if they try again.
I only accept phone calls from people I know (when other means of communication wouldn’t be practical) or when I’ve specifically agreed to call with someone unknown (like the doctor or something).
- Comment on A long video of one person's opinion about "algorithmic complacency" 3 weeks ago:
I’ve found myself transition from subscriptions to the feed over the years. My subscriptions became such a long list of past interests while the feed somehow almost always seems to know what I want. It’s exactly the poisonous quick dopamine hack that every other social media is also abusing. I hate it, but at the same time I don’t quite have the energy to fight it. After I arrive at home tired from work and grocery shopping I just need some quick entertainment, and the feed usually knows wat better what I want than my own subscriptions.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 5 weeks ago:
Remember? I still use it for my second monitor. My first interaction with DVI was also on that monitor, probably 10-15 years ago at this point. Going from VGA to DVI-D made everything much clearer and sharper. I keep using this setup because the monitor has a great stand and doesn’t take up much space with its 4:3 aspect ratio. 1280x1024 is honestly fine for having voice chat, Spotify, or some documentation open.
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 1 month ago:
It used to be quite short, and only for many drinks. But lately I’ve even been having hangovers that span 2 days. If I drink any alcohol right now my next day is going to suck a lot more. So usually 1 day, sometimes 2
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
Because we have more convenient methods. People have been shitting out in the open for a very long time but once the toilet came we (mostly) stopped doing so.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
Most people call me to get some information or to push some information to me. Unless they need the answer now I want a text message of some sort, not a call. I’m okay with people like my parents calling at a predetermined moment to catch up. But most people who want to call me want to do so at a moment when a text message would be hugely preferable, so I don’t answer unless I get a reason (via text) why the call should happen now. In many cases this leads to the conversation going much more efficiently via text and allows me to actually defer it to when I have time or energy for it.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
Texts are easy to forget and difficult to write? Disagree. Texts are easy to remember and can be viewed back at any time. Writing is a bit slower than speaking, but at least it allows you to think about what you’re saying. There’s definitely a place where speaking is preferable, but then it should be in person or via a laptop video/voice call so the quality is better and I can do other stuff.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
Because it forces you to drop everything out of nowhere, losing all the focus you may have had. And then you might need to hold the phone, you need to find a place where you don’t annoy everyone around you, and so you basically cannot look up anything.
Text is much superior imo, and messages can be answered whenever convenient (depending on urgency). But even people talking in real life are much better than a call. You can see them coming, you keep your hands free and a can usually stay where you are, they’re way better to understand than shitty call quality.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
For me it’s a few reasons:
- It demands my attention right here, right now
- I don’t know that it’s going to happen, I cannot prepare
- Usually during the call I’m forced to hold the phone, meaning I can’t look stuff up or write stuff down easily
- I fidn listening way harder than reading, and the quality of calls doesn’t help with that
I much prefer text because it give some time to delay answering until it’s convenient for me, look up answers to any questions I may have, and because I can re-read and think about stuff.
Calling is like an interrupt forcing me to drop everything there and then and immediately provide an answer, messaging is something I poll every now and then when I’m not overloaded or focused so I can actually take the time to answer.
- Comment on Deepseek when asked about sensitive topics 1 month ago:
Although censorship is obviously bad, I’m kinda intrigued by the way it’s yapping against itself. Trying to weigh the very important goal of providing useful information with its “programming” telling it not to upset Winnie the Pooh. It’s like a person mumbling “oh god oh fuck what do I do” to themselves when faced with a complex situation.
- Comment on Vibes based cooking 2 months ago:
I don’t do it, because I usually get confused by them, but it makes sense to me. I don’t know what will taste good, and by following a recipe you can leverage someone’s experience to get something that tastes good. Personally I just accept that I often eat something mid in the pursuit of good cooking skills
- Comment on Age of Empires designer believes RTS games need to finally evolve after decades of stagnation 2 months ago:
For real. Imo the best RTS out there currently. I feel so much more in control of the camera and the units. Whenever I go back to old RTS games now they feel dated and clunky.
The AI is also surprisingly enjoyable for a more casual player like me. It doesn’t cheat (as far as I’m aware) by getting resources or having vision where it shouldn’t. But it does exploit its high APM and it is very aware of what it can get away with in fights. This results in an AI that never does outright bullshit, but in one that does just sneak past the 2mm space not covered by turrets or units and ruins your entire economy. Give it a large open map and it’ll demolish me, but on smaller maps with choke points it’s easier to handle.
- Comment on It be like that sometimes 2 months ago:
For real. It’s so annoying. I’ll waste more time by procrastinating than it actually takes to do the thing. Every switch costs so much energy
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 2 months ago:
According to Steam:
- Rocket League: 2038 hours
- GTA V: 260 hours
- Project Cars 2: 234 hours
I haven’t seriously played any of them over the last year though. RL has been run into the ground by greed. GTA V was always greedy, but was still some fun to fck around in. However it isn’t really relevant anymore. PC2 was replaced for me by Assetto Corsa (5th place, 170 hours) which has great mods and better physics.
Also, this is only Steam. Combining Steam and Uplay numbers, Trackmania 2020 probably takes 2nd place. And LoL may also be top 3 even though I haven’t played in years.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
Isn’t that better anyway? Inheritance makes the world less fair, as children of rich parents will get a huge advantage. If that money is instead spent, it hopefully distributes over society again instead if staying in the rich families.
It’s obviously not that black and white, getting some money is a great help to you get people. And obviously a parent will want to help their children, that’s totally fair. But as a larger trend it doesn’t seem like a bad thing to me.
- Comment on The Two Genders 3 months ago:
Damn the trailer looked pretty cool. I love the modern retro vibe it has. They have space tech, but also CD decks etc. But the comments on Youtube are an absolute dumpster fire… “How dare they have a female with short hair REEEEEEEEEEEEE”
- Comment on Sex!? 3 months ago:
Ugh day ruined. Well y’all better enjoy it then. But please don’t tell me
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
I think we agree yeah. More progressive people will be more open to challenge their “inertia” with new ideas that they believe are right. I think more conservative people give in more to the feeling of these “new” ideas being “wrong”. That doesn’t mean that more progressive people don’t feel those same feelings. I’m in my early 30s and I notice that I do start to struggle more with the difference between what I was taught (and thus what I subconsciously sometimes feel) and how I perceive the world now from a logical perspective. I strongly support people being trans or non-binary because I feel like it makes the world a better place, but deep inside there’s still some part that feels like it’s wrong for people to deviate from the gender rules I’ve been fed from birth.
- Comment on MUSSTTTARRRRRRD 3 months ago:
It’s funny how autistic people are so different. This is definitely seen as an autism trait, yet I’m autistic and I get bored of listening to something multiple times quite quickly. I require variation. Hearing a song 10 times in a week is already pushing it
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
They’re conservative. The whole name is based on the principle that they want to maintain the old way rather than progress. I think it stems from fear of a changing world. The old world with the old rules provided safety, it was understandable, the rules were clear, and the rules didn’t hurt them. Now some people are “attacking” their world, their rules, everything that offers them safety and understanding. So they feel attacked.
It’s the same thing, but with another subject every time. Whether it is women getting rights, which threatens their safe world with clear gender roles. Or gay people, who threaten the simple rules like “boys love girls”, “in order to be successful, get a job, marry, and get kids”. Or non-white people getting rights. What if they vote for things that “we” don’t want? What if “they” ruin the world that “we” got so used to.
Trans and especially non-binary people are just the next group in like that threatens their simple world. When men are people born as men and women are people born as women, it’s way easier to force people into the traditional roles. The old rules still work, “boy marries girl, gets kids”. And when they speak out about their "concerns* they are (rightfully) called out for it. So they become defensive and start doing whatever they’re doing now.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 10th 4 months ago:
We played this game called Icarus last weekend because of a free weekend. It was okay for me, but I also have a pretty high-end PC for the 1080p monitor connected to it. Even for me the game was quite janky, but for my friends with older hardware the game wasn’t a good time. One friend’s microphone randomly turned into a max-volume noise generator while playing on multiple occasions, something that has never happened before. Another (who plays on Linux) experienced constant crashes and weird behaviour.
After that disappointment we went back in time to The Showdown Effect for the first time in years, which was still as hilarious as ever. Apparently there’s an updated free to play version now (called reloaded or something?) so we’d have to check that out. Would recommend it if you’re looking to have some mayhem with friends
- Comment on Serious statement: I don't understand the argument that not voting for Harris was the morally correct thing to do, because of Gaza. Why does anyone believe this? 4 months ago:
I disagree. The margins seem thin enough that people fed up with either party can absolutely ruin them in the swing states. If you were to disagree with one of the parties, you could absolutely give them a signal by not voting. Preferably such a person would also make very clear why they refuse to vote for a party, because otherwise it’s indeed just lazy and empty.
Again, I think that people who do so are shooting themselves (and everyone else) in the foot. But I can see their motivation.
- Comment on Het Pijnstillersparadijs: Europese Zelfbeheersing vs. Amerikaanse Pillenfeest 4 months ago:
Reading the other comments, this seems to be more of a cultural thing than something based on facts. Ibuprofen seems to be taken in more serious situations. Personally I’ve never had it so I’m not sure. Paracetamol is more of a casual thing here. Many people, like me, would only take it when very ill. But I’ve definitely had a few classmates or colleagues who just take paracetamol whenever they have a slight headache or something.
- Comment on Het Pijnstillersparadijs: Europese Zelfbeheersing vs. Amerikaanse Pillenfeest 4 months ago:
Not sure. I’ve never used it but it always seems to be used as such, so I just assumed that was the case