Eh, to me the thing is trying to do is cook food in a way that’s similar to deep frying, but with a tiny fraction of the oil. I think they do that reasonably well. It’s not for everything, but they really are good for a number of things - way better for reheating leftover fried food than either a microwave or regular oven. I like the way vegetables come out, too.
Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 10 months ago
There are two kinds of reactions to trying out an air fryer:
“Wow, this is so much better than a normal oven” and
“Wow, this is so much worse than a normal fryer”
I am very much of the latter opinion 10 months ago 10 months ago
The only time I used an air fryer was when my appliances got destroyed during height of covid. I ordered new ones right away and had to change my order after 5 months because none of them had arrived or had a possible date. I borrowed an air fryer to get me by. I ate a lot of pizza rolls. 10 months ago
Mine is
“Wow, this can prepare so many different things in an easy and lazy way, i dont care if its not as tasty, beats not having food because i was to tired” 10 months ago
Deep fat fryers are fairly easy to use though. Also quite quick. They don’t need cleaning with every use (maybe every 5 or 6 uses). What they aren’t good for is having a clean kitchen. Creates steam, oil splatter, and they smell when in use. Can be a complete bitch to clean too, especially depending on the design. Even the easy to clean ones eat soap as the waste and dirt is oil saturated. 10 months ago
Agreed on all of these points.
The major difference in effort is to carry the smelly deepfryer to the garage because no way would we keep that on the counter top and cramped storage tiny kitchen.
While the air fryer has can easily live on the counter’s top especially with all the extra stuff it can do. (The Easiest soft Boiled eggs ftw) we keep it right next to the equally life saving expansive rice coocker. Workspace is a plank on the stove, who needs pans and pots? (Exaggeration) 10 months ago
Ok I love my air fryer but I do not understand the love for rice cookers. It’s just so easy to cook rice already. The hard and annoying part is washing the rice 10 months ago
If you actually cared about space you wouldn’t have an air fryer and a rice cooker. You would use a convection oven and a pan respectively. Also how is it any easier to do boiled eggs? Surely the hardest part is peeling it. Rice cookers I can see being useful because they avoid cleaning pans with rice stuck to the bottom all the time. 10 months ago
If your gonna list the pros of a deep fryer, list the main con- smells like grease all the time 10 months ago
There would probably also be some health complications if you deep fry half as much food as I air fry/toaster oven. 10 months ago
I said they smell when in use. If you’re not using it it has a lid on, so you don’t really smell it. Unless you just don’t put the lid on… 10 months ago
When my mom had a deep fryer, she made us put the used oil back in a bottle and clean the fryer after every use. She just went back to using a pot after few times because it was less hassle.