- Comment on Which co-op first person shooters would you recommend? 2 weeks ago:
Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: Denuvo Anti-tamper 5 different PC within a day machine activation limit
Requires 3rd-Party Account: Ubisoft Account (Supports Linking to Steam Account) Requires agreement to a 3rd-party EULA
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands EULA
From the steam page
- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 1 month ago:
Why would you do this? Why provide a link to the youtube video but have it hyperlink to this post?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
don’t ever talk
backto me againlook, the kids’ hands were tied. What were they supposed to do?
- Comment on Meta Censors #Democrat when searched for 2 months ago:
Are we really just going to go in circles?
I did, and found you were lying. At this point you can either do the work yourself, admit you’re wrong and learn something new about the world, or continue trolling and lying to everyone.
I guess you choose to be an ignorant little troll.
- Comment on Meta Censors #Democrat when searched for 2 months ago:
Then prove it.
- Comment on Meta Censors #Democrat when searched for 2 months ago:
I did, and found you were lying. At this point you can either do the work yourself, admit you’re wrong and learn something new about the world, or continue trolling and lying to everyone.
- Comment on Meta Censors #Democrat when searched for 2 months ago:
Wow, sounds like it’d be super easy for you to do then, instead of asking everyone else to do it for you. But if it is so easy, just how incompetent are you that you still don’t think it’d be worth your time? Unless of course you’re deliberately lying and know that searching would be pointless.
- Comment on Meta Censors #Democrat when searched for 2 months ago:
This data conclusively debunks the myth of conservative censorship on Facebook
Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies?
Oh no, all I found were articles proving you wrong. Woe is me, you’re either wrong or too lazy to look up anything yourself. Maybe it’s both, but since you seem to be implying it’d be so easy to find I can only assume you’re wrong and deliberately lying to everyone.
- Comment on Meta Censors #Democrat when searched for 2 months ago:
Wow. But surely someone did, right? I mean, you can already find articles about them censoring democrats, so someone somewhere must have written an article about how the poor republocans were being censored, right?
- Comment on Genshin Impact Game Developer Will be Banned from Selling Lootboxes to Teens Under 16 without Parental Consent, Pay a $20 Million Fine to Settle FTC Charges. 2 months ago:
I don’t expect them to continue, is the problem
- Comment on Germ Blaster 3 months ago:
Seems to cover what you’re asking about. Found it from here if you want to see some people discussing it for some context.
- Comment on Don't forget Steve :) 5 months ago:…
Youtube says there are only 441 videos in the complete series, I’m sure you’ll find your cousin eventually.
Although it is weird, wikipedia and are telling me there should only be 65.
- Comment on New Playstation firmware is going to make it harder to play games offline. 5 months ago:
A decent number of titles I’ve seen on there don’t have DRM.
Which games on GOG do you think have DRM? GOG’s whole deal is they sell DRM-free games.
- Comment on "Modding is pretty big" says Baldur's Gate 3 director as over 1m mods are installed in less than 24 hours 6 months ago:
By accepting these terms, you acknowledge and agree that you do not own or have any proprietary rights in the Game or any Mods you create, except as specifically mentioned here. Any Mods you create are your property only if they consist only of your original creative work. To the extent that any element of your Mod includes or is derived from the Game’s intellectual property (such as code, themes, characters, names, stories, dialogue, locations, artwork, sounds, music, and visual effects), you agree that all intellectual property rights therein, whether they are registered or not, are owned by Larian Studios and its licensors.
I’m not sure I believe you about your first point.
- Comment on An important update on Concord 6 months ago:
Apex Legends is a battle royale, Battleborn and Gigantic are (were) more like MOBAs, paladins and dirty bomb don’t work on linux. I haven’t played all of these games, but I don’t think they’re as interchangeable as you’re implying.
- Comment on MSc Mansplaining 6 months ago:
Looks like the back of someone’s head to me, but the picture is kind of blurry
- Comment on Anon casts a healing spell 6 months ago:
Casting an Arcane Spell in Armor: A character who casts an arcane spell while wearing armor must usually make an arcane spell failure check. The number in the Arcane Spell Failure Chance column on Table 6–6 is the percentage chance that the spell fails and is ruined. If the spell lacks a somatic component, however, it can be cast with no chance of arcane spell failure.
It was a rule in Pathfinder, so presumably it was a rule in 3e.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
The Black Pool is a game I decided to try recently. It reminds me a lot of Returnal in terms of visuals and gameplay, but I don’t expect the story to evolve much beyond the initial “kids lost in the woods trying to get home.”
It’s a 4-player roguelike where you get to choose random elements to slot into different abilities, namely a Primary, Secondary, and AOE attack as well as a jump, dodge, and once-per-world ‘rally’ buff. Each element makes the ability act differently, like a light primary is a slow charging piercing laser while wind is a projectile with knockback, and you also get to upgrade your elemental abilities after each stage you clear. I’m only about an hour into it so far, but I definitely think it deserves a little more than the 29 player peak it got right after it launched.
- Comment on Valve lifts NDA on Deadlock, streaming and talking about the game is now allowed. 6 months ago:
I think that’s what makes it such a good point of comparison though. It’s titled differently and we were promised it would be different, but all that really happened was they changed their monetization tactics. And maybe it’s just nostalgia, but I remember liking Overwatch when it came out, but now I have almost zero interest in playing Overwatch 2, even though I’ve gone back to it a few times just to give it a try.
- Comment on Valve lifts NDA on Deadlock, streaming and talking about the game is now allowed. 7 months ago:
Honestly, paying for a (primarily) multiplayer game isn’t a problem for me. I actually might prefer it when you look at Overwatch vs Overwatch 2. But I wasn’t about to sign up for a playstation account to play my Steam game.
- Comment on Vince Vaughn on Why His R-Rated Comedies Aren’t Made Anymore: “People in Charge Don’t Want to Get Fired” 7 months ago:
But it’s also an 18 year old movie, so it doesn’t do much to disprove that good comedies don’t get made any more.
- Comment on Day 15 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 7 months ago:
Short answer: No.
You cannot use an existing Fallout: New Vegas save to play TTW. Even though a save might load, there are too many changes for it to work correctly. No support is provided if you do this anyway.
Saves made with previous versions of TTW will not work with 3.x. Too many changes were made to allow saves to be compatible.
- Comment on Anon finds a plot hole 7 months ago:
Felix Felicis is a potion sometimes called “Liquid Luck.” Until the effects wear off, all the drinker’s endeavours will tend to succeed
Harry Potter has an in-universe luck potion. Based on that wiki page, it looks like it was only relevant in the sixth book/movie
- Comment on Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future 8 months ago:
Starting Season 10, all new heroes will be immediately unlocked when they launch. All existing heroes will also be unlocked for players. This means that heroes will no longer need to be unlocked through the Battle Pass to be playable in all game modes.
New players will still need to complete the first-time user experience to unlock heroes as they learn the ropes. Once the heroes from the original Overwatch roster have been unlocked, all Overwatch 2 heroes will also become available.
So unless there was another change, new players still need to play/win games in order to unlock the full roster.
- Comment on Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future 8 months ago:
They actually changed that a while back, new heroes aren’t in the battlepass any more, everyone gets them for free. I don’t know how that works with the “new player experience” where you needed to win games to unlock the base heroes on a new account though.
- Comment on A story in two parts 8 months ago:
The raccoons seem to agree with you
- Comment on Mythbusters 8 months ago:
What, like the pinned comment on the smyths reddit page?
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 11 months ago:
There would probably also be some health complications if you deep fry half as much food as I air fry/toaster oven.