They at least thank the “New Zealand Universiy Grant Committee”, so them maybe?
Comment on Mmm yesss 1 year ago
Whose idea was this? Who paid for it? 1 year ago
Comment on Mmm yesss 1 year ago
Whose idea was this? Who paid for it?
They at least thank the “New Zealand Universiy Grant Committee”, so them maybe? 1 year ago
Probably nobody. Study like this wouldn’t cost much, you’d just be reviewing footage of penguins looking for them to shit. Easy way to get an authorship credit.
My guess anyway, I haven’t actually checked the methodology. 1 year ago
Looks like it was a follow up to someone asking an entertaining question during a lecture, which is the best reason to do some science! 1 year ago
Someone measured enough penguins to find the average butthole size though. I would NOT do that for free… 1 year ago
Basic animal physiology for common animals is pretty well nailed down, I presume you could look that up. We probably also know how big their internal organs are, on average, just as an example.
Also note, for free vs no reward are not the same. Being cited as an author of something, anything, is important for advancement and recognition in your field. Students seldom get much financial compensation for the research necessary to graduate, for instance.
That said, I’m guessing. I am not in biology or any of its offshoots. 1 year ago
This guy was all about biology and it’s offshoots!