I picked up BotW once the TotK started up. Everyone told me it was amazing and I had a few months between beating Elden Ring for the fifteenth time and when BG3 came out.
I’m glad people had such a good time playing the game and I’m very happy for them. However, it’s just not for me.
To be fair, I was an early Zelda fan. I played the hell out of every one of them up to Ocarina of Time when I was a kid (yes, even Adventures of Link) so I’ve probably got some bias at play.
SuperSynthia@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Valid complaints. As far as the world being dead, two points. Story wise, it was supposed to be a world somewhat in ruin due to the events 100 years prior to the game. Also, again, switch being underpowered meant they couldn’t necessarily just pack the world full of npc’s and unique monsters.
I feel you on that first statement a little bit, but my biggest gripe of the Switch was they went away from the linear dungeon design of the Zelda’s from Link to the Past and forward. It’s not gods gift to gaming, nowhere close.