- Comment on Dino Crisis 1 & 2 just got enhanced PC re-releases, courtesy of GOG 4 weeks ago:
Oh man, this is a dream come true.
2 was such a blast I probably rented the game from my local movie rental chain enough to actually buy the game.
Especially hot after the newest Ninja Gaiden 2 release. It’s almost a lost art having games with such a pure focus on action. It’s like a Michael Bay movie, you’re not watching/playing for the story, you’re playing for the adrenaline rush.
- Comment on A synthwave playlist intended as a companion for sci fi TTRPGs (Starfinder etc) and games 4 weeks ago:
I got a two player paper and pencil space RPG recently, I’ll have to give this a spin during me and my partner’s play session!
- Comment on Can a Steam profile be a real memorial for a lost life? 5 weeks ago:
It’s ok friend. Nothing wrong with it, it’s our version of an older person holding on to a newspaper article about their loved one.
Thank goodness we knew them
- Comment on Can a Steam profile be a real memorial for a lost life? 5 weeks ago:
I’ve got two friends that can’t log in anymore. I feel your pain. It sucks a lot for sure. I enjoyed the article, thank you for posting.
One thing I wished they would have explored a little more was the psychological effects these memorial pages have on those left behind. Part of what helped me fully grieve and accept the loss was to eventually stop going to the pages. I guess in some way a false hope kinda starts taking root, at least it was that way for me
- Comment on Anon is embarrassed by their steam library 10 months ago:
There are furry games on steam. No! No this is terrible. I can’t believe this. Where? Where exactly are the furry games so I can avoid them. Like where specifically?
- Comment on What are the best indie games you've ever played? 11 months ago:
Played this on Gamepass. It had a wonderful story, and getting each unique ending was so satisfying <3.
- Comment on What are y'all buying on the steam sale? 11 months ago:
Holy smokes what an incredible deal. I loved the first XCOM (which I believe is actually a remake). Gonna have to pull the trigger
- Comment on Helldivers 2 has "performed well ahead of expectations" and topped more than 8m sales 11 months ago:
Fucking sick
- Comment on Helldivers 2 has "performed well ahead of expectations" and topped more than 8m sales 11 months ago:
You sold it to me!
- Comment on Helldivers 2 has "performed well ahead of expectations" and topped more than 8m sales 11 months ago:
From the vids I saw, a lot of it is early hijinks at first. Then when shit starts hitting the fan constant communication necessary so you don’t accidentally merc your homies
- Comment on Helldivers 2 has "performed well ahead of expectations" and topped more than 8m sales 11 months ago:
I may honestly check it out. Watched some gameplay vids last night and it looked like a blast. I’m especially intrigued by friendly fire always being on, as that was such fun gameplay addition but this is entirely baked into the experience
- Comment on 23-year-old Nintendo interview shows how little things have changed in gaming 11 months ago:
Valid complaints. As far as the world being dead, two points. Story wise, it was supposed to be a world somewhat in ruin due to the events 100 years prior to the game. Also, again, switch being underpowered meant they couldn’t necessarily just pack the world full of npc’s and unique monsters.
I feel you on that first statement a little bit, but my biggest gripe of the Switch was they went away from the linear dungeon design of the Zelda’s from Link to the Past and forward. It’s not gods gift to gaming, nowhere close.
- Comment on 23-year-old Nintendo interview shows how little things have changed in gaming 11 months ago:
It’s interesting to see the impact that Yamauchi had on Nintendo as a whole. Generally Nintendo games focus on gameplay, with graphics and story built towards servicing the gameplay first. Say what you want about exclusives (not a huge fan of them really) but from the ground up when you buy a Nintendo game it’s generally gonna be what you expect from the previews.
Now I hope they push for better specs in the future but that seems like a pipe dream. A game like Zelda BOTW/TOTK is completely held back by the Switch and that’s not good considering how fucking amazing it was to play them
- Comment on Amazon "search through reviews" is blindly just running an AI model now 11 months ago:
That’s slightly…endearing in a really dystopian way
- Comment on Final Fantasy Tactics Creator Reacts to Unicorn Overlord Localization Debate and Shares His Own Stories 11 months ago:
I’m one of these people. Translations/dubs can change the entire tone of the scene if localized incorrect.
Now if there isn’t a direct English equivalent to the Japanese, changes should only be done as absolutely necessary.
- Comment on Final Fantasy Tactics Creator Reacts to Unicorn Overlord Localization Debate and Shares His Own Stories 11 months ago:
My problem with the pro localization argument, is I’m enjoying a Japanese property for the sake of its own metrics. I don’t necessarily want to have my dialogue match what’s “normal” for my region, otherwise I’d just purchase a game that was made in the west.
Japanese storytelling (and any other culture for that matter) is unique. Why change it? In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, there are some questionable translation choices that I just can’t jive with (eg: majority of Cait Sith’s catlike banter and the casts reaction to it is glossed over.)
Not to mention people thinking the original story is “problematic” and needs to be “fixed.” If you don’t like a cultures games, don’t play them pretty simple.
I’m still gonna play Unicorn Overlord but I’m not happy with these inaccuracies.
- Comment on What if? 🙈 11 months ago:
Oh wow that’s honestly amazing
- Comment on My streaming fatigue got so bad I started collecting DVDs 1 year ago:
The only problem is there is a real cost to space. Housing a massive dvd collection can be a hassle for sure. I’ve found that I enjoy reselling my wares or donating them after I’ve finished enjoying a piece of media. There are a choice few that will be in the permanent collection though
- Comment on ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree | Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer 1 year ago:
I’m doing my 3rd character run for the dlc and I plan to rush to it. We had the same idea on quick level ups :)
- Comment on ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree | Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer 1 year ago:
I’m gonna guess here, but I bet the DLC will be after an endgame boss in an optional area. Quickest way to access it (and potentially get demolished) is to do the PVP storyline. Vague I know but I don’t want to spoil too much for anyone going blind
- Comment on Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - Announce Trailer | NSW, PS4/5, Xbox Series One, X|S, Steam, PC 1 year ago:
Classic Atlus, repackage new content in the base game and sell as new. I knew better but I still had a fun time on switch.
But man the performance updates alone getting it on the other consoles/pc is pretty tempting. Just wish they wouldn’t double dip or at least offer dlc for us early adopters
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Palworld was on game pass so I gave it a shot. It’s actually pretty fun for a simple time waster. After this run I don’t think ill ever play it again unless they work in a really good story mode
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
That game really captures a sense of lethality I haven’t felt since Ninja Gaiden 1/2 on the Xbox/360. Amazing
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Make sure to do all three endings. The story is deceptively pretty decent. You feel like a real badass by the end