Comment on Why was a defederation request post locked deleted and the poster banned? ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Hello, thank you for sharing your concerns and curiosity with us. We are aware of the type of hateful content you mentioned, and are doing our best to not keep hateful content on our instance.

We are discussing the request for defederation, but the consensus is that this may not be needed, since the 0.19 Lemmy update is expected to roll out in the upcoming weeks. This update will also enable users to block whole instances, and hopefully, address a big chunk of the issue we seem to be having here.

Regarding your question as to why the poster was banned: they were banned for 1 day, due to the same type of hateful and dehumanising content that would get any other user banned. The defederation request was also posted to several communities. The ban issued was only for 1 day, because the user was a regular member that would normally be trusted. We are aware they might not have bad intentions, and needed time to cool off.

I hope these answers were enough to satisfy your question. Take care, and with love.
