It’s an identity matrix. You multiple a vector with it and the result is still the same (identical) vector
Comment on identity theft 3 days ago
Could one of you scholars please explain the joke for us smoothbrains who don’t get it? All I see is a matrix. 3 days ago 2 days ago
That matrix of zeros with one in diagonal is called the matrix of identity.
It is famous because when doing multiplication on matrix or vector, it acts likes 1 on “normal” number: 1 times x is x Identity times anyMatrix is 2 days ago
Wouldn’t you need to put
first, since matrix multiplication isn’t commutative? 2 days ago
You are right. I will correct it. 2 days ago
No I just tried it and I was wrong, it seems like it doesn’t matter for the I’d matrix specifically 2 days ago
Huh? Identity times anyMatrix is also anyMatrix. The matrix just has to have the right dimensions 3 days ago
Eigen see how this is confusing, I don’t get it either 2 days ago
You multiply vectors and matrizes row by column.
So for any matrix the fitting identity matrix multiplies each row on the relevant position by one and puts it into a column.
The matrix remains the same.
See example 5 here: 3 days ago
A square matrix with the ones in the diagonal is called the identity matrix