Yeah, I’d rather watch the Lynch version anytime, the new ones are like 6 hours of bland, *boring *choices and wooden performances.
Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 9 hours ago
Probably getting some hate for saying this, but…. The Dune movies are some of the worst big budget movies I’ve seen. They look nice and the cinematography is awesome but that movie feels so damn empty. 9 hours ago 9 hours ago
lol, true. At least Lynch‘s version is a entertaining fever dream. 1 hour ago
Yeah the only reason it could be considered “bad” is because they ran out of money and the entire 2nd half is just a montage of shots to end the movie because the producers took over. 6 hours ago
“Wooden performances” is the only way to describe the acting in Lynch’s. That movie is a confuding mess and painful to watch if you don’t know the story. A movie can’t simply assume you’ve read the book to understand it. People can only truly prefer Lynch to Villeneuve ironically. You can’t honestly think it’s better film. 4 hours ago
I thought watching the new ones was like watching paint dry. At least Lynch’s version had some personality. 3 hours ago
Not all personalities are likeable. 6 hours ago
Even the three part TV movies from around 2000 are better. 2 hours ago
I will say, the first one is the most to-the-letter book adaptations i have ever seen.