Coffee, no shit, shower, fuck
Comment on Ah shit. Here we go again. 2 days ago
No pity. Everyone knows that you turn on the shower, then sit on the toilet until you shit everything out else you can shit. Only then, do you get into the shower. 2 days ago 2 days ago
That’s why you relax, and drink your coffee slowly. Also, the burning. 2 days ago
This messaget brought to you by people who don’t pay for their own water. 2 days ago
Nobody should have to pay for a water 2 days ago
Why is this downvoted, is it some controversial take or something?? 2 days ago
Username doesn’t check out 2 days ago
I mean there is the fact that having the shower running while you’re sitting there taking a shit is kind of a waste of water, disregarding pain for it there’s also just the waste in general. Drinkable water is actually becoming a lot more scarce than I think people realize.
That being said I have absolutely no right to say anything because I take like 15 to 20 minute showers when I could absolutely take shorter ones so shit away my friends 2 days ago
Yes it is, who is gonna maintain the infrastructure for you to get water if you don’t pay for it? Who is gonna make sure the water treatment facilty works if you don’t pay for it?
How do you ensure you only pay for what you use and not pay for the cunt who runs the shower while taking a shit?