Clay tablets it is … the Sumerians knew what they were doing.
Comment on Hundreds of your Warner Bros DVDs probably don't work anymore 2 days ago
No storage medium is eternal.
It’s kind of touching to think how every moment will disappear at some point. 2 days ago 2 days ago
The dude who coined the phrase “nothing is written in stone” was pretty ignorant about history. 2 days ago
Etched glass storage can survive for insane periods of time, but is probably extremely expensive to write to. It might be better for things like offworld backups of human knowledge, almost like seed vaults. 2 days ago
M-Discs exist 2 days ago
early CDs suffered from the data layer literally falling off, some blu rays are known to suffer from bit rot, vinyl gets damaged whenever it’s played. 2 days ago
Lasers write to glass too 2 days ago
All of those…moments…will be lost. Like tears in the rain. 2 days ago
To borrow from the racing world: Speed costs money son, how fast you wanna go?
Replication/Duplication/backup, with error detection is key.
Datacenter folks have been working on this stuff since the 90’s. 2 days ago
As long as you keep backing up the digital files to new drives every few years the files will stay almost exact. But a powered down HDD should stay pretty prestine if you just use it as backup.