Print out the noise level requirements including times etc. from your council OR the EPA. Attach to a polite note from you saying you have a toddler that sleeps very lightly and would appreciate it if the noise could be limited after XX time. Leave in letterbox.
If nothing happens, then record a loop of a brass band playing Colonel Bogey (look it up) at full volume, and play that over the fence whenever the noise level next door gets too loud too late. It’s nearly the most offensive tune I know.
Be aware that neighbourly noise disputes can lead to knife attacks, so I reckon starting softly is the way to go. They might not realise that this country has noise limits delineated by time. And a nice ‘offishul’ document might be a good starting point.
Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: Wednesday, 26 February 2025 2 weeks ago
Wondering how you’d all approach this:
The only English my neighbors speak is “sorry, no English”. That in and of itself is no issue, though I am dreading when we have to speak about the fence. To say I’m not their favorite bloke is probably an understatement. But they’ve never approached me about any complaints (either cause they cant or they just prefer shooting dirty looks, who knows). Anyway they’ve recently added to the household. Guessing relatives have moved to Australia or something and are staying with them whilst they get settled. No worries. EXCEPT: they have a teenage daughter. At least I assume by the sound of her. And she likes to sing which she does outside. Honestly at first it was kinda nice. I have no idea WHAT she is singing, but its kinda pleasant. But she does it a lot. And she inevitably builds to a chorus where she (rightfully so) BELTS it out. And now shes added rapping to her repertoire. As a light singer she is decent and I have no issues. As a balladist or rapper she needs work. A lot of work. and I would greatly greatly greatly appreciate her doing it anywhere else. But last night takes the cake. Last night she was out there doing it at 9:30pm and you could hear it over the tv inside our house. Nearly went outside and shouted “if you wake the toddler I’m going to spray you with a hose!”
I’m thinking about leaving a polite note? (rather than just shoot them dirty glares like they seem to prefer). Just saying something like “The singing is fine, but lets maybe be considerate of those around us with the volume and time of day of our performances”? We don’t share walls or anything (this isn’t Officer) but you can absolutely hear a neighbor fart in their backyard if you are in yours. 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
Print out the noise level requirements including times etc. from your council OR the EPA. Attach to a polite note from you saying you have a toddler that sleeps very lightly and would appreciate it if the noise could be limited after XX time. Leave in letterbox.
I’m no toddler but I did exactly that and it worked like a charm. 2 weeks ago
Stand on something near the fence so your head is poking up. When she acknowledges you’re there, she’ll either run inside or listen to what you have to say which is when you give her a compliment sandwich. “We really like your singing but we have a small child inside that doesn’t sleep too well. Can you please keep it down at night. Feel free to sing during the day. Keep up the good work”. 2 weeks ago
I dont think she’ll understand me. I dont think any of them speak english at all. Thats why I thought of the note, They can translate it if they need to. 2 weeks ago
Is she rapping in another language? 2 weeks ago
yeah. None of it is English. I assume mandarin. 2 weeks ago
Record it and start listening to it around the house? 2 weeks ago
I vote hose. 2 weeks ago
+1 for Team Hose. Start with a nozzle set to a gentler spray pattern, but if noise persists, time to turn that dial to full-blast jet. 2 weeks ago
she does it again at 9:30pm and it may just happen. Or a bluetooth speaker playing Blink 182’s Family Reunion. 2 weeks ago
Spoken like a man who understands the power of water. 🙏🏽