how in the world have you not heard of Tostino Pizza Rolls
I dont think they’re sold on my continent
Comment on A balanced diet is important 1 month agoI have ao many questions on this comment. Is it satire? Is it genuine? But the real question (if you’re serious) is - how in the world have you not heard of Tostino Pizza Rolls?
how in the world have you not heard of Tostino Pizza Rolls
I dont think they’re sold on my continent 1 month ago
I’m being 100% serious.
I’ve heard of Pizza Rolls in some shows. I just had no idea what they looked like.
My freezer looks a bit different to yours I guess.
Image 1 month ago
As someone very likely living in the same country as you judging by the beer and language in your freezer, I also had no idea those were pizza rolls. I think I had cereal that looked like that once 1 month ago
Yea I thought something along those lines as well. Can’t tell the size from the picture, so they might be the size of the end of your finger or several centimetres across if the bowl is larger.
I’m glad our food quality is pretty good. There’s still some complaints I have, but in general it’s pretty good. That Lappari is bullshit though. Supposedly gluten-free, but I got symptoms and then Googled it and Lapin Kulta has had to recheck batches of that beer because of such a lot of complaints from gluten-sensitive people.
It should be somewhat simple to fix the issue by adding a class, like having low-gluten and absolutely no-gluten. We like regulation so shouldn’t be an issue.