Family friend recently sold his business (domestic trades, fairly specialised). He’s been doing it for about 20 years. In his early 40’s and absolutely wrecked body. He’s okay, but not great for his age.
I’m always thankful for being a desk jockey in AC/heated rooms 1 week ago
Some things just break you (mainly awkward twisting with heavy things for me).
I’m lucky enough to be able to do shit around the garden at a far slower speed than proper labourers. It gets done but way less pressure / injury. Was forced ‘sort of’ to do a retaining wall few months ago but do it quickly and it ruined me for a week. Even if you’re fit it still wrecks you. Doing it day in day out would be brutal. 1 week ago
I think there’s a “use by date” for manual labour.
I am pretty fit, but that’s not enough after a while. It starts to eat away at your body and no amount of muscle or fitness can stop it eroding your joints.
It pays so poorly as well. So there’s literally no benefit except having a job if you desperately need one. 1 week ago
I know it sounds crazy but I value my permanent injuries, they are a history of my life and no one can gaslight me. They aren’t bad and day to day I don’t even think of them but if anyone tries to bullshit me I have the proof for myself