For the most part, where I live doesn’t have that much of other kinds of litter about and is generally clean. And most public bins and all smoking areas have ashtrays and dedicated cigarette bins so it wouldn’t be hard to dispose of them properly like any other piece of rubbish and even then there’s often cigarette butts within sight of the bins and ashtrays.
If you can’t walk a little to dispose of cigarette butts, don’t smoke them. 4 weeks ago
And yet I can drink a soda and somehow not throw the bottle onto the ground. I’m a fucking hero.
Maybe just carry a tin for your butts since it’s not exactly a surprise that you have them. 4 weeks ago
I have a Japanese friend who showed me these little zip up bags for carrying them until you find a trashcan, and they’re flame retardant. She said they’re pretty common over there, so should be widely available to order. 4 weeks ago
He needs the Peltzer Smokeless Ashtray.